Webpack: Build Performance
Webpack docs on ways to speed up builds. -
How to make your webpack builds 10x faster
Slideshow that lists a number of approaches for making Webpack builds faster, such as narrowing scope, using the DllPlugin, using HappyPack for parallel builds, and more. -
Advanced Frontend Optimization with Webpack
Slides by Sokra describing ways to improve Webpack builds. -
React-Router and Webpack in Production
Tips on dynamically loading route views and optimizing chunk sizes -
Fixing annoying imports in React Projects
https://medium.com/datawallet-tech/fixing-annoying-imports-in-react-projects-895a6ad24c24 A quick example of using Webpack's module aliasing to simplify import paths, with further discussion in the comments. -
Webpack and Hot Module Replacement
A great in-depth walkthrough of how HMR works -
Webpack's HMR and React Hot-Loader - The Missing Manual
https://medium.com/@rajaraodv/webpacks-hmr-react-hot-loader-the-missing-manual-232336dc0d96 Demonstrates three ways to enable HMR, and usage with three different React application scenarios