You can very easily fork this repo and work off of it
If you are starting a satRdays event, then the best thing to do is join the slack R User Groups Workspace and go to the #satrdays-website
channel and ask about setting up a website, tagging @DaveParr.
here is an EXAMPLE REQUEST that you can copy, edit, and paste into the channel:
Hi @DaveParr, I would like a website to promote my event in [your city] that will be held in [the year of the event]. My GitHub user name is [your username]. Thanks!
This will mean that:
- we create a repo for you in the satRdays GitHub Organisation
- we will set you up as a member of the satRdays GitHub Organisation
- we will set up a GitHub Team in the GitHub Organisation for you to manage your new site
- we will set up hosting for the repo in the satRdays organisation on netlify to a domain like this:
The #satrdays-website channel is now filled with people who have used this template. This is your best resource for asking questions about how to use and edit the template.
I can give you most of a website for satRdays events, ready (almost) out of the box. I have a number of sections to help you out:
- Event description
- Event location
- With map
- Embedded tickets
- Tito
- Ticket Tailor
- Eventbrite
- Call for papers
- Sessionize
- Speaker Bios
- Talk descriptions
- Schedule
- Important Dates
- Links to satRdays Code of Conduct and Diversity materials
If you want to have a website set up, please request this in the #satrdays-website slack channel of the R User Group organizers Slack (, tagging @DaveParr.
You can locally build your site using the shell command hugo serve
in the working directory of the project, as long as you have it installed on your machine. You can then open you browser to the link that is listed in the message (probably localhost:1313), and see your changes. Hugo features fast builds and hot-reload so you should be able to see most changes simply after saving the relevant file.
When you locally clone your events repo to your machine, the first time you build the project you might need to initialise the sub-modules which contain the theme. You can avoid this by cloning with the --recurse-submodules
option, similar to this:
git clone --recurse-submodules[my_conference_repo]
If you fogot that, you can always run this command after you cloned the repo normally:
git submodule update --init
baseurl = ""
baseurl = ""
otherwise, images you upload to your site won't work.
The file config.toml gives you access to a number of points on the site, mostly using site params.
A high level overview of these features:
- boolean to render or hide that section
/button text
/...- strings to display text in that position
- boolean to toggle lightly shaded backgrounds on or off for that section
- strings that are part of a url (that are usually part of an iframe) to link to a service for tickets/Call for papers
- Talks are generated from
files indata/projects/
- Each talk should have similar structures (some values may be missed or blank) based on the included examples, and be in its own file
- Speaker/organiser bios are generated from
files indata/speakers/
- Each speaker should have similar structures (some values may be missed or blank) based on the included examples, and be in its own file
In the hopefully rare event that even more specific material is needed you can explore the following. Make use of the hugo inheritance method to override defaults where applicable, rather than modify the defaults in place.
- Copy the base
- This will now be the style sheet for your website, overriding the themes
- Either
- find a partial from
in the existing themes you want to base your work on, copy it to the project/layouts/partials
, and modify the copy - write a new
from scratch and include it in the project/layouts/partials
- find a partial from
- then make sure that it is referenced in
I am a Hugo website, with two themes. Agency provides the base layer of theming, with a custom satRday theme which overides some areas.
More information on installing hugo, including setting it up for local previews can be found in the official docs.
As the design is strongly based on the hugo-agency-theme
, naming conventions are not obvious in certain situations
- The
section ofhugo-satrdays-theme
is built from theportfolio
section of thehugo-agency-theme
- The
important dates
section ofhugo-satrdays-theme
is built from theabout
section of thehugo-agency-theme
- The
section ofhugo-satrdays-theme
is built from theteam
section of thehugo-agency-theme
- The
section ofhugo-satrdays-theme
is built from theclients
section of thehugo-agency-theme
Open Git Bash (or your command-line interpreter).
Create a bare clone of the repository.
git clone --bare
Make a GitHub Repo named
in all lower case, no spaces. Don't initialize it with a README. -
Mirror-push to the new repository.
cd satRday_site_template.git
git push --mirror[cityYEAR].git
- Remove the temporary local repository you created in step 1.
cd ..
rm -rf satRday_site_template.git
Make a GitHub Team and add the conference organisers as members
Add the GitHub Team to the repo you made as 'Admin'
There is now WIP on automating deployment using the scripts in this repo
Make a new deploy from GitHub in the Satrdays Netlify Team
The build command is
the build directory ispublic
Rename the default domain to [cityYEAR]
Add the additional domain [cityYEAR]