After being installed, Fantomas extension will appear under Tools -> Extensions and Updates
menu. You can uninstall, disable or re-install the extension there.
The main formatting options are under Tools -> Options -> Fantomas
To be consistent with Visual Studio editors, the last option, indent size, can be adjusted under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> F# -> Tabs
(looking for Indent size
Two main functionalities of the extension are:
- Formatting Document, available under Ctrl + K D key combination.
- Formatting Selection / Formatting Cursor Position, available under Ctrl + K F key combination.
Using Ctrl + K F combination without a selection, the smallest parseable block (inside [
and ]
, [|
and |]
, {
and }
or (
and )
) will be formatted.
Due to implementation details, formatting selection feature is only guaranteed to work for:
- modules
- types
- member declarations
- let bindings
- expressions
- and any combination thereof.
Any unparsable selection will not get meaningful results.
For the overview how to use the tool, you can type the command
Fantomas --help
You have to specify an input path and optionally an output path.
The output path is prompted by --out
Fantomas ../../../../tests/stackexchange/array.fs --out ../../../../tests/stackexchange_output/array.fs
Both paths have to be files or folders at the same time.
If they are folders, the structure of input folder will be reflected in the output one.
The tool will explore the input folder recursively if you set --recurse
option (see Options section).
If you omit the output path, Fantomas will overwrite the input files.
: traverse the input folder recursively (if it is really a folder) to get all F# source files. -
: force writing original contents to output files. This is helpful if the tool fails on some unknown F# constructs. -
: read input from standard input. This option is convenient to use with pipingtype input.fs | Fantomas --stdin --out output.fs
: write formatted source code to standard output e.g.Fantomas input.fs --stdout
: this option to be used with--stdin
to specify that we are formatting F# signatures e.g.type input.fsi | Fantomas --fsi --stdin --stdout
--indent <number>
has to be between 1 and 10. This preference sets the indentation (default = 4). The common values are 2 and 4. The same indentation is ensured to be consistent in a source file. To illustrate, here is a code fragment with--indent 2
:let inline selectRandom(f : _[]) = let r = random 1.0 let rec find = function | 0 -> fst f.[0] | n when r < snd f.[n] -> fst f.[n] | n -> find(n - 1) find <| f.Length - 1
--pageWidth <number>
has to be an integer greater or equal to 60. This preference sets the column where we break F# constructs into new lines. The default value is 80. To see its effects, please take a look at some output files with--pageWidth 90
preference. -
: add semicolons at the end of lines e.g.let saturn = { X = 8.343366718; Y = 4.124798564; Z = -0.4035234171; VX = -0.002767425107 * daysPerYear; VY = 0.004998528012 * daysPerYear; VZ = 2.304172976e-05 * daysPerYear; Mass = 0.0002858859807 * solarMass }
let saturn = { X = 8.343366718 Y = 4.124798564 Z = -0.4035234171 VX = -0.002767425107 * daysPerYear VY = 0.004998528012 * daysPerYear VZ = 2.304172976e-05 * daysPerYear Mass = 0.0002858859807 * solarMass }
: if being set, no space is inserted before a function name and its first argument. For example,Seq.filter (fun x -> x > 2)
becomesSeq.filter(fun x -> x > 2)
. This doesn't affect methods and constructors, e.g.Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
. -
: if being set, there is no space before:
e.g.type Planet = { mutable X : float mutable Y : float mutable Z : float mutable VX : float mutable VY : float mutable VZ : float Mass : float }
type Planet = { mutable X: float mutable Y: float mutable Z: float mutable VX: float mutable VY: float mutable VZ: float Mass: float }
: is useful if you would like to save spaces in tuples, arguments, etc. To illustrate,(1, 2, 3)
is rewritten to(1,2,3)
. -
: saves spaces on records, arrays, lists, etc. Nowlet planets = [|sun; jupiter; saturn; uranus; neptune|]
let planets = [|sun;jupiter;saturn;uranus;neptune|]
: if being set,with
blocks will be indented like in the following example:try if System.DateTime.Now.Second % 3 = 0 then raise(new System.Exception()) else raise(new System.ApplicationException()) with | :? System.ApplicationException -> printfn "A second that was not a multiple of 3" | _ -> printfn "A second that was a multiple of 3"
: saves spaces around delimiters of records, arrays, lists e.g.let planets = [| sun; jupiter; saturn; uranus; neptune |]
let planets = [|sun; jupiter; saturn; uranus; neptune|]
: if being set, all open statements in a block will be sorted in the lexicographical order. -
: if being set, pretty printing is only done via ASTs. Compiler directives, inline comments and block comments will be ignored. -
: preserve original end of lines, disables auto insert/remove of blank lines.
That said, most of the preferences are very simple. But they demonstrate the flexibility of Fantomas on a set of configurations. More preferences will be added depending on use cases.
The main entry point of the library is function processSourceFile
which reads the input file and writes formatted source code to a text writer:
val processSourceFile : inFile:string -> tw:TextWriter -> config:FormatConfig -> unit
type consists of the fields described in Preferences section.
It's often customized by augmenting a default configuration:
let config = { FormatConfig.Default with
IndentSpaceNum = 2
PageWidth = 120
PreserveEndOfLine = false
SemicolonAtEndOfLine = false
SpaceBeforeArgument = false
SpaceBeforeColon = false
SpaceAfterComma = true
SpaceAfterSemicolon = true
IndentOnTryWith = true }
If you would like to work with source strings, there is also function formatSourceString
val formatSourceString : fsi:bool -> s:string -> config:FormatConfig -> string
When the first argument is true, the source string is parsed as an F# signature.
There is a function for formatting a selected text
val formatSelectionFromString : fsi:bool -> r:range -> s:string -> config:FormatConfig -> string
where range r
denoting the selection is often constructed from
val makeRange : startLine:int -> startCol:int -> endLine:int -> endCol:int -> range
Note that Fantomas will expand the selection until it finds boundaries of start and end tokens. Only parsable selection (types, members, let bindings, expressions, etc) can be formatted. The pre- and post- texts of the selection will be kept as is.