Download the premade module from GitHub.
Use Git and clone fake-bpy-module repository.
$ git clone
Download .zip file from GitHub.
Check the location of premade module and remember it because we use it process 3.
The premade module is located in premade_modules
You can see each version of the premade module on there.
Launch PyCharm and do all below procedures.
- Click File > Settings to show Settings window.
- Select Project: > Project Interpreter.
- Click Setting icon on the right next to Project Interpreter: and Click More....
- In Project Interpreters window, click the bottom icon to show Interpreter Paths window.
- Click Add icon to show Select Path window.
- Select the path premade module is located, and click OK.
- Click OK repeatedly until Settings window is closed.
- Now, you can complete the code related to the Blender Python API.