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beaker tests for validation of MCollective in puppet-agent


There be Dragons

WARNING: Under NO circumstances should you use any of the certificate files located in the /acceptance directory or any of its subdirectories in a production system. The private keys are publicly available and will result in an insecure environment

Files directory

/files contains pre-generated certificates and configuration files that are used by the acceptance test pre-suites in order to quickly facilitate a running environment on the system under test. The certificates in the /files directory are for testing purposes only and are publicly available.

These files were generated using the command outlined below, in the SSL setup section.

SSL setup

/ssl is a puppet master's ssl directory. Selected files from this have been copied into the files/ directory, either directly as .pem files, or combined into java truststores.

Commands used to set it up:

puppet master --ssldir=`pwd`/ssl
puppet cert --ssldir=`pwd`/ssl generate activemq
puppet cert --ssldir=`pwd`/ssl generate mcollective-client
puppet cert --ssldir=`pwd`/ssl generate mcollective-server

keytool -storepasswd -storepass notsecret -import -alias 'puppet ca' -file ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem -keystore files/activemq.truststore
cat ssl/private_keys/activemq.pem ssl/certs/activemq.pem > activemq.combined.pem
openssl pkcs12 -password pass:notsecret -export -in activemq.combined.pem -out activemq.p12 -name
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore files/activemq.keystore -deststorepass notsecret -srckeystore activemq.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass notsecret -alias
rm activemq.combined.pem activemq.p12

cp ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem files/ca_crt.pem
cp ssl/certs/mcollective-server.pem files/server.crt
cp ssl/private_keys/mcollective-server.pem files/server.key
cp ssl/certs/mcollective-client.pem files/client.crt
cp ssl/private_keys/mcollective-client.pem files/client.key

Running with Rake

The rake task ci:test:aio will provision, install, and execute the tests for you. It requires the environment variable for the sha of the puppet-agent version that should be installed during testing.

The minimal invocation of this task would be:

bundle exec rake ci:test:aio  SHA=1.8.2

Typically, this task would be invoked against a development build with a specific host target in mind. Given that we would like to test the MCO functionality in the latest nightly build of puppet-agent on an Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64 instance, the command would be:

bundle exec rake ci:test:aio  SHA=nightly TEST_TARGET=ubuntu1604-64mco_master.a

Environment variables

The following environment variables are used in conjunction with the ci:test:aio rake task:

SHA required : Build identifier of puppet-agent version to be installed, release tag or full SHA, (e.g. nightly, 1.8.2, aa3068e6859a695167a4b7ac06584b4d4ace525f).

SUITE_VERSION : If the SHA used is a development build, then this variable must be specified, (e.g.

TEST_TARGET : Beaker-hostgenerator string used to dynamically create a Beaker hosts file. The mco_master role must be part of this string. If left unspecified, this will default to windows2012r2-64mco_master.a.

MASTER_TEST_TARGET : Beaker-hostgenerator string used to dynamically create a Beaker hosts file. If unspecified, this will default to redhat7-64ma.

BEAKER_HOSTS : Path to an existing Beaker hosts file to be used.

ACTIVEMQ_SOURCE : A url from which to download pre-built ActiveMQ binaries. Together with ACTIVEMQ_VERSION, specifies where to get binaries. The default uses an internal Puppet mirror, externally you should use Note that osuosl only hosts the latest releases. Setting this will attempt to fetch a package from $ACTIVEMQ_SOURCE/activemq/$ACTIVEMQ_VERSION/apache-activemq-$ACTIVEMQ_VERSION-bin.tar.gz (or .zip on Windows).

ACTIVEMQ_VERSION : The version of ActiveMQ requested.

JDK_SOURCE : A url from which to download pre-built JDK binaries for Windows (other platforms use the package manager for the OS). Together with JDK_VERSION_FULL, specifies where to get binaries. The default uses an internal Puppet mirror, externally you should use

JDK_VERSION_FULL : The full version of JDK requested. From Oracle, this should include the build number (e.g. 8u111-b14). See the Oracle JDK downoad page for details.