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flightaware / dump1090
Forked from mutability/dump1090Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
keenerd / rtl-sdr
Forked from pinkavaj/rtl-sdrRTL-SDR experimental branch
Repo for the ADaM workshop at R/pharma 2024
This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook for automatic flood extent mapping using space-based information.
zhu-xlab / polygnn
Forked from chenzhaiyu/polygnn[This is a fork; check upstream] PolyGNN: Polyhedron-based graph neural network for 3D building reconstruction from point clouds [ISPRS 2024]
An opinionated R package template with CI/CD built-in
librtlsdr / librtlsdr
Forked from steve-m/librtlsdrSoftware to turn the RTL2832U into an SDR
Quarto document on using tidymodels and Databricks for predicting lending rates.
dieghernan / tidyBdE
Forked from rOpenSpain/tidyBdER package that helps to retrieve data from Banco de España
Deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery
gluijk / Compendium-of-free-ML-reading-resources
Forked from Carl-McBride-Ellis/Compendium-of-free-ML-reading-resourcesCompendium of free ML reading resources
JosiahParry / rdaradar
Forked from hrbrmstr/rdaradar☢️ Safety Radar for RDA Files
Cleaning up Conda r-packages
dieghernan / CatastRo
Forked from rOpenSpain/CatastRoR package to query Sede electrónica del Catastro
dieghernan / rostemplate
Forked from rOpenSpain/rostemplatepkgdwon template for R packages
Use the Google Analytics API from R
Repositorio que contiene proyectos de reutilización de datos abiertos almacenados en el catálogo de
djnavarro / arrow
Forked from apache/arrowApache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing
dakotabenjamin / OpenDroneMap
Forked from OpenDroneMap/ODMOpenDroneMap is a tool to postprocess small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (sUAS), balloon, kite, and street view data to geographic data. With the current update, we are adding the ability to create orth…
edzer / gdal
Forked from OSGeo/gdalGDAL is an open source X/MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
edzer / terra
Forked from rspatial/terraR package for spatial data handling
edzer / recipes
Forked from R-macos/recipesSystem for building static dependent libraries for CRAN packages
Official repo for:
edgararuiz / sparklyr
Forked from sparklyr/sparklyrR interface for Apache Spark
edgararuiz / recipes
Forked from tidymodels/recipesPipeable steps for feature engineering and data preprocessing to prepare for modeling
edgararuiz / yardstick
Forked from tidymodels/yardstickTidy methods for measuring model performance
carlos-alberto-silva / rLiDAR
Forked from cran/rLiDARrLiDAR — LiDAR Data Processing and Visualization
SocialScienceDataLab / MZES_SSDL_Georeferenced_Survey_Data
Forked from StefanJuenger/MZES_SSDL_Georeferenced_Survey_Datar-spark / geospark
Forked from harryprince/geosparkbring sf to spark in production