😄 A python project bases on folium library, making an interactive 2 layered pointer map which gives data about world population country wise.
- Folium
- Pandas
pip install folium
pip install pandas
*Run the above two commands in a shell to install the libraries
- Populationstats.csv
- Worldcoordinates.json
- countries.csv
The above files are available in the repository
Any IDE/Editor may work which supports python 3.0++, I made this project on PyCharm with Python version 3.8.
Install the required libraries if not, before proceeding forwards.
Copy/type the code from map(code).py in your respective text editor/IDE and save the code.
Paste the above requisite in the directory where the current project is saved.
(It is done so python may discover the linked files as i have linked directly by placing the file in project's directory, you can place them anywhere but make sure to link them by changing their location inside the code).
Worldcoordinates.json - tells python about map locations, it is used here so choropleth layer of map may highlight the countries based on latitude and longitude.
populationstats.csv - contains the country wise population of the world.(provides population data, since this is an older file you may use updated version from internet). countries.csv - contain latitude and longitude of countries(folium markers will be placed on them and click popup will display the population data).
A json (Javascipt object notation) - a file used to contain portable data, here data is enclosed in {}, value assignment is done using : and seperation is done using , .
A csv (Comma seperated value) - a file similiar to a .xls file but rather containing tables directly data is seperated using commas , here the first row specifies coloumn headers.
Marker colors are decided on the basis of a nested if else loop using population data, which are representing the density of population.
background.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location= [lt , lg],radius=6, popup= f"population: {ppl}",fill_color=icon_color(ppl), color='silver', fill_opacity=1.2, icon=folium.Icon(color=icon_color(ppl))))
The file will be saved on desired location and name here it saves in the project directory itself
Pre-Loaded zoom level value can be changed
geo_map = folium.Map(location=[23.52184053531888, 76.58126542592036], zoom_start=3.8)
Hello there my name is Sanskar kakde, i am a computer/tech enthusiast (from childhood). Currently doing bachelors degree in computer science enginnering. I am in learning phase and i made this project to develop my skills. Please report any errors if found and pull requests are welcomed, kindly open an issue first so, i may learn and discuss. :relieved: