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Reusable utility functions for dealing with image and file assets in Sanity


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Reusable utility functions for dealing with image and file assets in Sanity


$ npm install @sanity/asset-utils


// ESM / TypeScript
import {someUtilityFunction} from '@sanity/asset-utils'

// CommonJS
const {someUtilityFunction} = require('@sanity/asset-utils')


An HTML version is also available, which also includes interface definitions, constants and more.### Functions


buildFilePath(asset: FileUrlBuilderOptions, project: SanityProjectDetails): string

Builds the base file path from the minimal set of parts required to assemble it

Name Type Description
asset FileUrlBuilderOptions An asset-like shape defining ID, dimensions and extension
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the file belongs to

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:57


buildFileUrl(asset: FileUrlBuilderOptions, project: SanityProjectDetails): string

Builds the base file URL from the minimal set of parts required to assemble it

Name Type Description
asset FileUrlBuilderOptions An asset-like shape defining ID and extension
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the file belongs to

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:78


buildImagePath(asset: ImageUrlBuilderOptions, project: SanityProjectDetails): string

Builds the base image path from the minimal set of parts required to assemble it

Name Type Description
asset ImageUrlBuilderOptions An asset-like shape defining ID, dimensions and extension
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the image belongs to

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:21


buildImageUrl(asset: ImageUrlBuilderOptions, project: SanityProjectDetails): string

Builds the base image URL from the minimal set of parts required to assemble it

Name Type Description
asset ImageUrlBuilderOptions An asset-like shape defining ID, dimensions and extension
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the image belongs to

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:43


getAssetDocumentId(src: SanityAssetSource): string

Tries to resolve the asset document ID from any inferrable structure

Name Type Description
src SanityAssetSource Input source (image/file object, asset, reference, id, url, path)

Returns: string

Defined in src/resolve.ts:291


getDefaultCrop(): SanityImageCrop

Returns cloned version of the default crop (prevents accidental mutations)

Name Type

Returns: SanityImageCrop

Defined in src/resolve.ts:65


getDefaultHotspot(): SanityImageHotspot

Returns cloned version of the default hotspot (prevents accidental mutations)

Name Type

Returns: SanityImageHotspot

Defined in src/resolve.ts:72


getExtension(src: SanityAssetSource): string

Returns the file extension for a given asset

Name Type Description
src SanityAssetSource Input source (file/image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)

Returns: string

Defined in src/resolve.ts:108


getFile(src: SanityFileSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): ResolvedSanityFile

Tries to resolve an file object with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, file object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityFileSource Input source (file object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the file belongs to

Returns: ResolvedSanityFile

Defined in src/resolve.ts:220


getFileAsset(src: SanityFileSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): SanityFileAsset

Tries to resolve a (partial) file asset document with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, file object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityFileSource Input source (file object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the file belongs to

Returns: SanityFileAsset

Defined in src/resolve.ts:245


getIdFromString(str: string): string

Tries to cooerce a string (ID, URL or path) to an image asset ID

Name Type Description
str string Input string (ID, URL or path)

Returns: string

Defined in src/resolve.ts:333


getImage(src: SanityImageSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): ResolvedSanityImage

Tries to resolve an image object with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, image object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityImageSource Input source (image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the image belongs to

Returns: ResolvedSanityImage

Defined in src/resolve.ts:133


getImageAsset(src: SanityImageSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): SanityImageAsset

Tries to resolve a (partial) image asset document with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, image object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityImageSource Input source (image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the image belongs to

Returns: SanityImageAsset

Defined in src/resolve.ts:167


getImageDimensions(src: SanityImageSource): SanityImageDimensions

Returns the width, height and aspect ratio of a passed image asset, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, asset document, image object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityImageSource Input source (image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)

Returns: SanityImageDimensions

Defined in src/resolve.ts:84


getProject(src: SanityImageSource): SanityProjectDetails

Resolves project ID and dataset the image belongs to, based on full URL or path

Name Type
src SanityImageSource

Returns: SanityProjectDetails

Defined in src/resolve.ts:391


getUrlFilename(url: string): string

Strips the CDN URL, path and query params from a URL, eg: => filename-200x200.jpg

Name Type Description
url string URL to get filename from

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:163


getUrlPath(url: string): string

Strips the CDN URL and query params from a URL, eg: => images/project/dataset/filename-200x200.jpg

Name Type Description
url string URL to get path name from

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:131


hasPath(urlOrPath: string): boolean

Checks whether or not the given URL contains an asset path

Name Type
urlOrPath string

Returns: boolean

Defined in src/paths.ts:88


idFromUrl(url: string): string

Converts from a full asset URL to just the asset document ID

Name Type Description
url string A full asset URL to convert

Returns: string

Defined in src/resolve.ts:376


isAssetFilename(filename: string): boolean

Returns whether or not the passed filename is a valid file or image asset filename

Name Type Description
filename string Filename to validate

Returns: boolean

Defined in src/resolve.ts:439


isAssetIdStub(stub: unknown): stub is SanityAssetIdStub

Checks whether or not the given source is an asset ID stub (an object containing an _id property)

Name Type Description
stub unknown Possible asset id stub

Returns: stub is SanityAssetIdStub

Defined in src/types.ts:108


isAssetObjectStub(stub: unknown): stub is SanityAssetObjectStub

Checks whether or not the given source is an asset object stub

Name Type Description
stub unknown Possible asset object stub

Returns: stub is SanityAssetObjectStub

Defined in src/types.ts:251


isAssetPathStub(stub: unknown): stub is SanityAssetPathStub

Checks whether or not the given source is an asset path stub (an object containing a path property)

Name Type Description
stub unknown Possible asset path stub

Returns: stub is SanityAssetPathStub

Defined in src/types.ts:123


isAssetUrlStub(stub: unknown): stub is SanityAssetUrlStub

Checks whether or not the given source is an asset URL stub (an object containing a url property)

Name Type Description
stub unknown Possible asset url stub

Returns: stub is SanityAssetUrlStub

Defined in src/types.ts:138


isFileAssetFilename(filename: string): boolean

Returns whether or not the passed filename is a valid file asset filename

Name Type Description
filename string Filename to validate

Returns: boolean

Defined in src/resolve.ts:429


isFileSource(src: SanityAssetSource): src is SanityFileSource

Name Type
src SanityAssetSource

Returns: src is SanityFileSource

Defined in src/resolve.ts:443


isImageAssetFilename(filename: string): boolean

Returns whether or not the passed filename is a valid image asset filename

Name Type Description
filename string Filename to validate

Returns: boolean

Defined in src/resolve.ts:419


isImageSource(src: SanityAssetSource): src is SanityImageSource

Name Type
src SanityAssetSource

Returns: src is SanityImageSource

Defined in src/resolve.ts:448


isReference(ref: unknown): ref is SanityReference

Checks whether or not the given source is a Sanity reference (an object containing _ref string key)

Name Type Description
ref unknown Possible reference

Returns: ref is SanityReference

Defined in src/types.ts:93


isSanityFileAsset(src: unknown): src is SanityFileAsset

Checks whether or not the given source is a (partial) sanity file asset document. Only checks the _type property, all other properties may be missing

Name Type Description
src unknown Source to check

Returns: src is SanityFileAsset

Defined in src/types.ts:169


isUnresolvableError(err: Error): err is UnresolvableError

Checks whether or not an error instance is of type UnresolvableError

Name Type Description
err Error Error to check for unresolvable error type

Returns: err is UnresolvableError

Defined in src/utils.ts:36


isValidFilename(filename: string): boolean

Checks whether or not a given filename matches the expected Sanity asset filename pattern

Name Type Description
filename string Filename to check for validity

Returns: boolean

Defined in src/paths.ts:187


parseAssetFilename(filename: string): SanityAssetIdParts

Parses a Sanity asset filename into individual parts (type, id, extension, width, height)

Name Type Description
filename string Filename to parse into named parts

Returns: SanityAssetIdParts

Defined in src/parse.ts:77


parseAssetId(documentId: string): SanityAssetIdParts

Parses a Sanity asset document ID into individual parts (type, id, extension, width/height etc)

Name Type Description
documentId string Document ID to parse into named parts

Returns: SanityAssetIdParts

Defined in src/parse.ts:22


parseFileAssetId(documentId: string): SanityFileAssetIdParts

Parses a Sanity file asset document ID into individual parts (type, id, extension)

Name Type Description
documentId string File asset document ID to parse into named parts

Returns: SanityFileAssetIdParts

Defined in src/parse.ts:41


parseImageAssetId(documentId: string): SanityImageAssetIdParts

Parses a Sanity image asset document ID into individual parts (type, id, extension, width, height)

Name Type Description
documentId string Image asset document ID to parse into named parts

Returns: SanityImageAssetIdParts

Defined in src/parse.ts:59


tryGetAssetDocumentId(src: SanityAssetSource): string

Tries to resolve the asset document ID from any inferrable structure

Name Type Description
src SanityAssetSource Input source (image/file object, asset, reference, id, url, path)

Returns: string

Defined in src/resolve.ts:321


tryGetAssetPath(src: SanityAssetSource): string | undefined

Tries to get the asset path from a given asset source

Name Type Description
src SanityAssetSource The source image to infer an asset path from

Returns: string | undefined

Defined in src/paths.ts:98


tryGetExtension(src: SanityAssetSource): string

Returns the file extension for a given asset

Name Type Description
src SanityAssetSource Input source (file/image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)

Returns: string

Defined in src/resolve.ts:120


tryGetFile(src: SanityFileSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): ResolvedSanityFile

Tries to resolve an file object with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, file object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityFileSource Input source (file object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the file belongs to

Returns: ResolvedSanityFile

Defined in src/resolve.ts:232


tryGetFileAsset(src: SanityFileSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): SanityFileAsset

Tries to resolve a (partial) file asset document with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, file object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityFileSource Input source (file object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the file belongs to

Returns: SanityFileAsset

Defined in src/resolve.ts:280


tryGetIdFromString(str: string): string

Tries to cooerce a string (ID, URL or path) to an image asset ID

Name Type Description
str string Input string (ID, URL or path)

Returns: string

Defined in src/resolve.ts:368


tryGetImage(src: SanityImageSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): ResolvedSanityImage

Tries to resolve an image object with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, image object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityImageSource Input source (image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the image belongs to

Returns: ResolvedSanityImage

Defined in src/resolve.ts:154


tryGetImageAsset(src: SanityImageSource, project: SanityProjectDetails): SanityImageAsset

Tries to resolve a (partial) image asset document with as much information as possible, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, image object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityImageSource Input source (image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)
project SanityProjectDetails Project ID and dataset the image belongs to

Returns: SanityImageAsset

Defined in src/resolve.ts:207


tryGetImageDimensions(src: SanityImageSource): SanityImageDimensions

Returns the width, height and aspect ratio of a passed image asset, from any inferrable structure (id, url, path, asset document, image object etc)

Name Type Description
src SanityImageSource Input source (image object, asset, reference, id, url, path)

Returns: SanityImageDimensions

Defined in src/resolve.ts:97


tryGetProject(src: SanityImageSource): SanityProjectDetails

Resolves project ID and dataset the image belongs to, based on full URL or path

Name Type
src SanityImageSource

Returns: SanityProjectDetails

Defined in src/resolve.ts:411


tryGetUrlFilename(url: string): string

Strips the CDN URL, path and query params from a URL, eg: => filename-200x200.jpg

Name Type Description
url string URL to get filename from

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:179


tryGetUrlPath(url: string): string

Strips the CDN URL and query params from a URL, eg: => images/project/dataset/filename-200x200.jpg

Name Type Description
url string URL to get path name from

Returns: string

Defined in src/paths.ts:152


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