1.1.15 (2021-09_17)
- fix(app): fixes a bug in CORS that only allows specific content types, Fi… #1120
- fix(i18n): fix misspeling in pt-BR translation #1107
- fix(app): show custom logo even when in dark mode #1103
- fix(app): @link in @see JSDoc tag (ba13a85), closes #1104
- fix(app): component template import parsing (b31604c), closes #1121
- fix(app): Fixes a bug in CORS that only allows specific content types, Fixes #1109 (71ab9d3), closes #1109
- fix(app): last sentences, exporting html with locale option (85d183e), closes #365
- fix(app): use normalized paths in unit test coverage (43bbc3b), closes #664
- fix(app): JSDoc @param tag with @link (55eb258), closes #294
- fix(app): ES6 destructuring assignment support (254e8cd), closes #502
- fix(app): webcomponent menu transpilation with Babel and missing filename config for @babel/preset-env (10f73a5), closes #1100
- fix(app): lazy routing with async - await (150d97a), closes #1042
1.1.14 (2021-07-14)
Use now TypeScript 4.3.5
- fix(app): support for Type Reference and template literal (c1282d2), closes #1053
- fix(app): @input/@ouput not duplicated with properties (f42fc69), closes #1095
- fix(routing): Angular Import does not support return type (f324108), closes #1097
- fix(routing): async lazy -load should not fail (0cc736b), closes #1096
- fix(app): TypeScript private APIs mapping + ECMAScript Private Fields and methods (8b71b59), closes #1094
- fix(app): drop usage of ts-simple-ast for ts-morph 7bb9a40
- fix(theme): dark mode support 0c7a052
1.1.13 (2021-07-09)
- fix(dark): better dark mode (f93090b), closes #1092
- fix(cli): remove sleep package | wait 10s if --inspect flag in CONTRIBUTING.md and docs/README.md (a1d5a1a), closes #1090
1.1.12 (2021-07-07)
Thanks to all contributors ! 👏
- feat(app): @deprecated support 0b2ecde #1032
- feat(i18n): Korean language #1030
- feat(i18n): Polish language #991
- feat(app): add support for inferred input types #998
- feat(app): Dark mode support (2bb51cb), closes #1064
- feat(app): add support for inferred input types (11c4a68), closes #896
- HTTPS link in .editorconfig #1083
- fix(app): fix some bug reports with angular >= 9 and extended classes in components #1037
- fix(app): merge overridden with inherited class members so they are not duplicated in the generated docs #1035
- provide jsdoctags #1001
- Add raw descriptions #949
- Angular lazy loading fix - extra undefined check in router-parser #924
- fix: generating documentation on project including inacessible folders #916
- fix(cli): tsx files not considered in include entries #906
- Fix: Added missing guards and interceptors to the json exporter. #847
- updates locales for de-DE #861
- update(angular-util): update findApi to reduce runtime #858
- fix(app): directive with no option, and inheritance between component and directives (a6c678c), closes #984
- fix(app): main comment parsing for ``` (3226d01), closes #1059
- fix(app): setters arguments correctly documented (8190df5), closes #1062
- Merge pull request #1032 from Killusions/feat/parse-jsdoc-deprecated (2ff7c21), closes #937
- fix(app): generic support in function arguments (6b9a1d0), closes #1076
- fix(app): inheritance & Properties and methods are being duplicate (3dd3e27), closes #1034
- fix(app): multiple hostlisteners support (2837cea), closes #1022
- fix(app): more prism languages support (816f6e1), closes #1048
- fix(app): spread and tuple type support (c7cd839), closes #1052
- fix(app): Overview page not scrolling (fe9cd04), closes #997
- fix(app): Directives missing "rawdescription" in JSON output (7d7e1a9), closes #875
- fix(coverage): function links in documentation coverage are broken (59f2902), closes #859
- fix(cli): tsconfig with files and include entries (baf122c), closes #860
1.1.11 (2019-10-15)
- feat(i18n): de-DE language #810 Thanks hueppee
- feat(i18n): sk-SK language #830 Thanks Marek Závacký
- feat(routes): support new lazy loading syntax in Angular 8 #819 Thanks Adam Stanley
- fix(app): max-search-result in options (d759b4f), closes #816 Thanks tzinckgraf
- fix(app): fix path separator replace on Windows during route processing #827 Thanks Adam Stanley
- fix(app): fix unit tests failing on Windows #826 Thanks Adam Stanley
1.1.10 (2019-07-09)
- feat(CLI): disableDependencies flag #798
- Upgrade to opencollective-postinstall #804 Thanks Emanuel
- Update postinstall so that it doesn't cause failures #758 Thanks Matt Ezell
- Avoid pathological out of memory on large datasets #778 Thanks Ali Ijaz Sheikh
- fix(Engine): Code blocks in Markdown not work as expected #755 Thanks José Antonio Yáñez Jiménez
- feat(i18n): Spanish language #753 Thanks José Antonio Yáñez Jiménez
- feat(i18n): Italian language #748 Thanks Marco
- feat(i18n): add hungarian language #796 Thanks Nagy, Gábor
- feat(i18n): add japanese language translations #794 Thanks tkt989
- feat(i18n): add dutch language translations #792 Thanks Bjørn Wikkeling
- fix(app): toggleMenuItems (d759b4f), closes #790
- fix(app): Code blocks in Markdown not work as expected (9b829ed), closes #750
- fix(export): disableSourceCode flag for json format (171862d), closes #785
- fix(CLI): rendering with --disableCoverage (55944ff), closes #786
- feat(CLI): disableDependencies flag (399054e), closes #797
- fix(CLI): flag for host url (b2ec5b9), closes #787
- fix(CLI): output + serve (94e2f82), closes #742
- fix(CLI): Hide banner in silent mode (fea00d3), closes #747
1.1.9 (2019-03-01)
- fix(UI): a few issues with the src on customLogo img #688 Thanks Zachary Feldman
- fix: use consistent semver range specifiers #733 Thanks Justin Beckwith
- fix(app): output + serve (8332344), closes #742
- fix(deps): jsdoc param comment for accessor (655be32), closes #735
- fix(deps): injectables inheritance (35da83e), closes #738
- fix(deps): no link if ignored data (242e42d), closes #737
- fix(deps): multiple inheritance class support (62f1bd0), closes #728
- fix(deps): Type casting inside decorator (f597531), closes #727
1.1.8 (2019-02-08)
- coverage: guards, interceptors not in page (82fe257), closes #722
- search: remove Lunr.js stemmer for indexing (d73c649), closes #619
- deps: Literal type information for typealias is generated incorrectly (9db3197), closes #711
- app: disable AnguarJS project WIP support (2b779a0), closes #667
- menu: additional menu entries with children collapsed (first level only) (d6086b4), closes #714
- menu: error js with custom logo (e70eded), closes #713
- deps: properties with long arrow function declared (d5d5e11), closes #706
- UI: Inconsistent table formatting for inputs/outputs, method & properties (01e1167), closes #709
- deps: modules declarations link with global variables (92949ce), closes #710
- deps: @private and miscellaneous functions (88e0380), closes #671
- deps: miscellaneous functions return type missing (1171ea5), closes #700
- CLI: Wrong version of typescript shown (e5bcd5e), closes #683
1.1.7 (2018-11-27)
- live-server: update to fix vulnerability (f76f80a7), closes #665 Thanks Sibiraj
- menu: fr-FR issue during rendering (a6e4a44b), closes #691
1.1.6 (2018-10-30)
- engine: watch mode (cc9c887a), closes #644
- deps: anonymous function for function argument (c80504a5), closes #643
- deps: unnamed function (a8881b41), closes #668
- engine: IE11 support (6d482398), closes #673
- deps: custom syntax in main.ts (241024b7), closes #677
- UI: add custom logo to where the title name is located (f68475b1), closes #134 Thanks Zach Feldman
- UI: Add style url data to component documentation (bcc0dcf5), closes #648 Thanks Daniel Leroux
- UI: decorators arguments listing (bd23ec89), closes #630 #640
- i18n: pt-BR (0b366da4), Thanks Laís Figueiredo
1.1.5 (2018-08-29)
- overview: typo in page (a21f7b98)
1.1.4 (2018-08-29)
- i18n: language flag (9d47e2b4), closes #611 Thanks lichangfeng
- nest: Nest projects support (1a5f5fe3), closes #611
- guard: support (0c85e715), closes #578 Thanks Valentin GOT
- CLI: minimal mode (9c85bcba), closes #572
- CLI: disableSearch flag (0a8efe98), closes #571
- unit-test: unit test coverage summary page (0a1e248b) Thanks Brigitte Hofmeister
- templates: override handlebars templates with flag (e83b126b) Thanks Brigitte Hofmeister
- coverage: --coverageTestShowOnlyFailed (3b4e8a5d), closes #606
- menu: compile the menu as a custom-element to improve performance (d59761e5) Thanks Wassim CHEGHAM
- CLI: JSON Configuration File JSON Schema (d8e48d57), closes #577
- CLI: handle ../ in includes in tsconfig includes/excludes (4a445050), closes #596
- UI: Address double scrollbar on example tabs for directive, pipe, and injectable (81e33988) Thanks Blake Simmon
- UI: move to ionicons (f81b42ec), closes #592
- UI: Accessors section in top index pages (aa4a4929), closes #615
- menu: overview href is generated twice (5479515a), closes #575
- deps: barrel file support for import finding strategy (780c0653), closes #566
- deps: interfaces with custom names (78c59ea1), closes #580
- deps: duplicates for more than 2 files (bf6e9238), closes #590
- deps: Duplicate pages for injectables with custom decorators (80417826), closes #591
- deps: generic support for Map<K, V> (8f3ef941), closes #622
- deps: abstract modifier (1e6eecba), closes #626
- graph: special character in module name (00075366), closes #591
1.1.3 (2018-05-16)
- UI: disableTemplateTab flag (fed52f1), closes #545
- config: add config management support with custom file (bd249fb), closes #379
- UI Add ability to specify tab ordering and custom tab labels (e1bdc2e), closes #522 Thanks Blake Simmon
- CLI: Uniqid for entities between two documentation generation (1ce6543), closes #550
- CLI: absolute path with d flag (f86f11b), closes #559
- CLI: exclude parser with duplicate file names (568af47), closes #551
- CLI: Using absolute path for -p/--tsconfig (7d8566c), closes #558
- menu: Navigation is broken with watch mode (616e469), closes #548
- UI: sort modules import/exports/declarations/providers in ascending order (9449574), closes #538
- UI: back button handling (b5e16e8), closes #557
- UI: additional url + regular entity (3464b0c), closes #554
- UI: ensure examples tab has only one scrollbar (d60b406), closes #562 Thanks Blake Simmon
- deps: async functions documented with empty badge (3049781), closes #556
- deps: modules spread elements with global variables (9576cc6), closes #494
- deps: Generic array types support (0ad79de), closes #552
- deps: generic type parameters for functions (db9167b), closes #555
- deps: routing with bootstrapModule in if statement (19109ff), closes #560
- deps: empty @example JSDoc tag (db48253), closes #543
- deps: routes data with function call (ccc13ce), closes #525
- deps: tuples types support (dc540c5), closes #540
- deps: extendMerger (a7448c9), closes #542
- deps: JSDoc param inside constructor (c01484c), closes #541
- search: better results display + enable wildcards (43c6d5d), closes #537 #447
- routing: routes without routing module (11a742c), closes #518 #488
1.1.2 (2018-04-09)
Performance improvements of pages rendering | +20% in speed generation 🎉
- html-engine: Split menu rendering for speeding pages rendering (ab57beed), closes #533 Thanks Wassim Chegham
- app: Handlebars JavaScript heap out of memory (c8d29167), closes #521
- theme: correct path if no README in root folder (78ceab38), closes #524
- dependencies: coverage for file even with no hostlisteners for example (c7a32643), closes #527
- dependencies: --disableLifeCycleHooks with @ignore on component/directive (eb9fddf2), closes #526
- dependencies: replace callExpressions in routes definitions with text (2b22fa63), closes #525 #467
- dependencies: module imports forRoot/forChild cleaning (3e473791), closes #531
1.1.1 (2018-03-30)
1.1.0 (2018-03-30)
Main feature :
New menu organisation : components, directives or injectables of a module are displayed directly in the module menu entry
Main structural change :
Drop direct TypeScript dependency, Compodoc now relies on ts-simple-ast TypeScript dependency.
- UI: Component, directive, pipe and injectable not linked inside a module should appear in the menu alone (b0106382), closes #510
- UI: Display filename in index of miscellaneous (4ddeda4f), closes #520
- CLI: disableDomTree option (c71ca965), closes #517
- UI: group components, directives, injectables, pipes based on module (46cbb07a), closes #145 #258
- UI: Dependency-Link not shown in side-nav if no dependencies and peerDependencies (5ffe9d22), closes #506
- dependencies: return's comment of method is missing (05cd3a4c), closes #512
- dependencies: Display component providers (78045092), closes #514
- dependencies: component inheritance with simple base class + disabledLifeCycleHooks support (bd940053), closes #505
- dependencies: support entity with same name (01ac07a3), closes #474 #233
1.0.9 (2018-03-09)
- dependencies: display peer dependencies in dependencies page (eece547f), closes #478
- dependencies: inheritance support for components and classes (b94e9c75), closes #324 #152
- dependencies: @ignore JSDoc tag support (98326bdf), closes #486
- UI: Link to code line issue with multiple code blocks (aec0014a), closes #466
- dependencies: Optional methods/property for TS interfaces/classes (a3ce87fc), closes #484
- dependencies: union types with array (9b0be6dd), closes #496
- dependencies: union types with generics (eec9c4be), closes #501
- additional: external docs change sorting (646d7ecc), closes #471 #482
- dependencies: multiple union types with array (182a1593), closes #498 #499
1.0.8 (2018-03-01)
1.0.7 (2018-02-15)
- accessors: Accessors not parsing all data correctly (80af63b), closes #468
- routing: Routes not scanned for Node.js 7 & 6 (9435422), closes #463
- templates: hide cells for function parameters if field is empty (5d32cbb), closes #464
1.0.6 (2018-02-12)
- prism: Added SCSS support for code blocks (2b983cc), closes #398 Thanks Martin Hobert
- additional-doc: prepareExternalIncludes parses children recursively (51aeae2) Thanks jabiinfante
- example-tab: Added examples tab to services (687b04c) Thanks rprotsyk
- core: downgrade TypeScript version (fa74be9), closes #359
- core: display project dependencies (c7a7689), closes #441
- theme: Support Google Analytics (f126115), closes #461
- theme: Material design theme (d3f1730), closes #418
- coverage: --coverageTestThresholdFail (f79f280), closes #428
- cli: display error message for empty -p (6747725), closes #422
- cli: remove duplicate code (eb25e1a) Thanks Alan Agius
- dependencies: Error if HTTP_INTERCEPTORS registered via providers (89c3335), closes #456
- dependencies: show default values for function parameters (163dc69), closes #453
- dependencies: private modifier for constructor (016f963), closes #458
- dependencies: optional for interfaces (5e0845e), closes #455
- dependencies: detect type annotation based on default values (c80d155), closes #419
- dependencies: optional field in parameter table could be yes or no (96f3a0b), closes #420
- dependencies: @link to all miscellaneous (0194c1b), closes #416
- dependencies: shorthand metadatas support for components/directives (295a029), closes #407
- dependencies: useExisting support for interceptors (7c8794a), closes #406
- search: prevent lunr call stack size exceeded for huge file (f495cd), closes #410 #378
- core: add package-lock.json (15ce12c), closes #413
- core: rollback to marked (c5eb16), closes #349
- core: bump dependencies (99be400), closes #430
- routing: spread & dynamic value first support (47fd133), closes #452
- routing: recursive dynamic variable support (5a98b56), closes #417 #400 #394 #361 #364 #459
- routing: support for ModuleWithProviders definition (dbdb6a6), closes #257
- routing: scan also static value in class (26dd154), closes #394
- coverage: src folder not parsed (7b32ac6), closes #431
- template: Removed relative URL helper function from logo img tag (3f18d0c) Thanks ainsleybc
- template: Fixing ordered lists in README.md files (bf22787), closes #435 Thanks Michael Letcher
1.0.5 (2017-12-02)
- code-highlightning: copy button (15ad139d), closes #373
- dependencies: entryComponents support for modules (4774f9e3)
- dependencies: accessors documentation (84857c2b), closes #393
- dependencies: function parameter undefined in Miscellaneous - Functions (e29a56c8), closes #389
- dependencies: Empty description for accessors (45181513), closes #385
- dependencies: wrong generated links of module declarations (ab1af5b0), closes #372
- dependencies: Dom tree tab - component with inline template (9ff83a90), closes #370
- dependencies: static modifier (6cd80868), closes #367
- dependencies: disableLifeCycleHooks ignored for Directives (c2b5f75f), closes #363
- dependencies: dynamic import support for path and pathMatch routes definition (633ea2f8), closes #216
- tabs: conflict with readme titles (230d96a6), closes #381
- links: the generated href to angular api doc is wrong (153b38d9), closes #368
- markdown: image tag not correctly closed (43c86a17), closes #384
- coverage: add misc functions and variables (04e0c038), closes #388
- routes: support for outlet dynamic imports, + enums (d3b9b9e9), closes #394
- core: typescript errors (96426902), closes #369 Thanks daniel.preussner
1.0.4 (2017-11-07)
- pipes: add metadata + functions and properties (7ccb04b2), closes #336
- export: beautify formats JSON output (562455ab) thanks realappie
- cli: Add support for specifying a favicon (8cfe576f), closes #310
- dependencies: interceptors support (7efd812e), closes #334
- dependencies: decorators metadatas resolve with imports (a5a3027c), closes #94
- dependencies: spread operator support for module metadatas (8e098086), closes #298
- core: split disablePrivateOrInternalSupport (9e4222ed), closes #241 #271
1.0.3 (2017-10-31)
- configuration: missing properties (c55d2496)
- process: correct listening of unhandledRejection & uncaughtException (a0c4f688)
1.0.2 (2017-10-30)
Main features :
- export option : json and html, pdf coming soon
- es6 accessors support
- coverage: per-file minimum coverage (185465eb), closes #306
- dependencies: accessors support (bed46c93), closes #274
- app: export option (93df1075), closes #196
- module: graph fullscreen button (8161ea40), closes #337
- interface: fix relative link for properties (4751f602), closes #311
- menu: URLs for CHANGELOG, CONTRIBUTING, LICENSE in pages with depth = 1 (8de9a9f3), closes #328
- dependencies: handling QualifiedName types ex: Highcharts.Options (6bdd6345), closes #335
- coverage: correctly ignore private members (19d8e5c2), closes #332
- dependencies: namespace support (46e3601f), closes #341
- cli: use tsconfig include attribute (69fa771c), closes #307
- coverage: restore very-good status (37d1965c), closes #309
1.0.1 (2017-09-08)
Stopping beta period. The release cycle will be more quicker than before, when between 5 to 10 bugs are ready to ship, i will submit a new patch version.
- coverage: Sort coverage table (30923878), closes #292
- link: anchor support for @link (d9b75567), closes #211
- pages: anchor for name of variables and functions (d9869a6f)
- deps: support self-defined type (104b82fa), closes #267
- deps: Array of custom interface not showing in documentation (469f0945), closes #300
- deps: decorator with simple argument string (8eb13c52), closes #299
- doc: links to Angular documentation for modules import, export etc (b9b9d419), closes #297
1.0.0-beta.15 (2017-09-04)
- main graph for huge projects with more than 200 modules is disabled, and viz.js error catched.
- @HostBinding & @HostListener support
- deps: optional support for parameter (5bcef12), closes #288
- app: @HostBinding & @HostListener support (1ab4311), closes #277
- misc: Linking directly to correct enumeration, variable etc (902c8f2), closes #278
- symbols: lock icon just for private or protected (884eb9f), closes #291
- deps: invalid provider config (77cc525), closes #293
- deps: extends for interfaces (8ba84a8), closes #281
- graph: Not able to generate graph on large projects (9ee7775), closes #283
- output: absolute path in cwd (97953e3), closes #279
- deps: return with union type & null (b7d3406), closes #287
- deps: JSDoc tag for property in constructor (b8965f6), closes #286
- deps: support typealias with LiteralType (8c284e7), closes #285
- cli: Error with watch flag (ae727ec), closes #284
- deps: support class with custom decorator (059b3c9), closes #245
1.0.0-beta.14 (2017-08-11)
- main graph for huge projects with more than 200 modules is disabled
- index for functions, variables, inputs etc
- speed parsing for huge projects
- additional-doc: incorrect filenames in additional-documentation (68f80c60), closes #228
- chore: -d + absolute folder (2830c086), closes #235
- modules: Empty NgModule produce an empty graph (d6d8388b), closes #236
- routes: iOS 8 routes graph rendering - innerHTML + SVG (128d33a1), closes #229
- links: Url for @link is not always right (6be60bcb), closes #237
- links: Wrong URL generated for inline {@link} doc in constructor (73285b51), closes #264
- graph: render again in sequence (75ea0c96), closes #238
- routes: Routes page not working with null route (a62e7487), closes #201
- parsing: files scanning rewritten, huge main graph disabled (cd03eddf), closes #226 #231
- overview: don't display empty graph if no modules (8c1ffe3b)
- markdown: Images in README rendered in block (7c695473), closes #261
- opts: disablePrivateOrInternalSupport public methods in component (a897a191), closes #265
- templates: html tag bcode not balanced (8d96a5aa), closes #276
- deps: UTF8-BOM parsing (3f4707cb), closes #230
- deps: live-server issue with Node.js 8 (38710eaa), closes #232
- deps: empty module decorator (00889ab6), closes #248
- deps: component @param missing in the generated documentation (5b94056d), closes #225
- deps: @example for functions (6b3f262c), closes #253
- deps: c-style typed arrays support (91f23f38), closes #256
- deps: indexable for class (a12c120f), closes #255
- deps: coverage and constructor properties (0653fb23), closes #259
- deps: inherit return type (d468ee8d), closes #268
- deps: support class with custom decorator (059b3c9e), closes #245
- app: display link to MDN or TypeScript doc for basic types (1cfa58e2)
- app: better params display (0fb9e93c)
- deps: support of function type parameter (e8b1c0fd)
- deps: link to enums, split misc pages (37ec7ba4), closes #266
- deps: @internal for main class decorator (bafc1878), closes #262
- deps: Override JSDOC params types with TypeScript ones (7492c45a), closes #254
1.0.0-beta.13 (2017-07-15)
- deps: Resolve array declaration in modules (619842d), closes #210 #15
- routes: Routes names required to be unique (7f17ecb), closes #193
- deps: RangeError: Invalid array length / @input/@output parsing (048fd20), closes #209
- html: Type in "Infos" tab - should be "Info" (1ceee52), closes #224
- html: Source code not rendered (bfe4708), closes #223
- chore: Add an interactive examples tab (34de4f0), closes #188 Thanks rprotsyk.
- doc: support to display the changelog.md, contributing, license, todo (272a0ad), closes #215
- watch: Watch README.md, and other root markdown files (ed05424), closes #221
- chore: Markdown file support for modules, services, etc (918a521), closes #204
1.0.0-beta.12 (2017-07-09)
- chore: Cannot find module 'json5' (04fb75f), closes #219
- dependencies: All types display in the doc as void (incorrect types) (c586b32), closes #218
1.0.0-beta.11 (2017-07-08)
- options: Link correct options with CLI flags (82af585), closes #205
- watch: Watch mode not working properly (4264b5e), closes #141
- search-engine: Invalid JSON is creating an issue when rendering the object to the template (8042af5), closes #187
- routes: Trailing commas throw error when parsing routes (7bc1e05), closes #192 #173
- misc: Miscellaneous sections Functions not showing documentation (235f1d0), closes #142
- deps: add @default support (78257cc), closes #212
- deps: Bespoke types and Promise being converted to any type in output documentation (35af038), closes #208
- output: Linux unix like environments: Absolute paths generates fonts, images, js and styles in the wrong directory (e0a3c60), closes #206
- log: add more logs on silent mode (1c858c7)
- chore: run files generation in // +20% in speed generation 🎉 (832b20d)
1.0.0-beta.10 (2017-06-19)
- menu: Make the entire list item clickable for a section toggle (4f4c1f5), closes #194
- chore: kind icon issue for properties and functions (4b9f496)
- menu: Navigation: clicking on a sub element (page) inside the expandable category expands all categories (86ac1b4), closes #186
- markdown: At sign replaced by a brace in markdown code blocks (41c6b0d), closes #189
- dependencies: Multiple classes in the same file get the same description (8a679f0), closes #118
- exclude: Not able to exclude files from documentation (a88023c), closes #175
- source: Hide some elements if source code is disabled (0e81c15), closes #185
- badge: Documentation coverage badge size should match common badges (21f5abe), closes #200
- dependencies: Interface generation missing w/o errors. (2b7d4e7), closes #198
- dependencies: Please Support @private JSDoc. (6c7ce67), closes #183
- comments: Newline markdown (74f64d2), closes #195
- version Detect angular version and link to the correct version of the documentation (f270af7), closes #180
- dependencies: Parsing refactoring, huge speed boost +75% ! (65744ed)
1.0.0-beta.9 (2017-05-11)
- markdown: Fix escaping of html entities in code blocks (e816cbe), thanks Thomas Mair
- config: Allow for comments in tsconfig.json (2796de5), closes #177
- chore: Problem with resources file when providing absolute output path (b52a40e7), closes #176
- watch: Watch for additional doc too (52801f4b), closes #163
- dependencies: decorators support (65bbabc7), closes #171
- markdown: Set marked break option to false (0e6ac342), closes #181
- dependencies: UTF8 Bom support (a3d5bec7), closes #170
- app exclude with glob patterns (6310735), closes #174
- cli display Node.js and OS infos after banner (c0f60561)
1.0.0-beta.8 (2017-04-26)
- dependencies: custom decorators breaks (50578ec), closes #169
- UI: Open menu when item selected (70d38c7), closes #168
- graph: No Declarations or Providers being added to module graphs (bf776f4), closes #167
- files: Better error reporting for template file reading (6f2d783)
1.0.0-beta.7 (2017-04-25)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2017-04-25)
- dependencies: Unhandled promise rejection with "use strict" (f56c01a), closes #165
- links: Interface Linking is wrong (152c722), closes #157
- component: Expand on the Readme.md for component to use component.md (actual name of component) (c246ffb), closes #164
- coverage: Coverage test command (e15f238), closes #156
1.0.0-beta.5 (2017-04-22)
- modules: module graph controls JS error with file:// (6d4be23), closes #153 #159
- component: custom treatment of the metadata field
(1bbda74), closes #137 - component: loading template from another component fails (1bbda74), closes #147
1.0.0-beta.4 (2017-04-20)
- directives: "Implements" support for directives. (6138070), closes #155
- links: Link to "Getting started" / "README" should be ./index.html (8d30fd9), closes #158
- dependencies: Main modules graph seems too confuse (ef7b04f), closes #150
1.0.0-beta.3 (2017-04-05)
- coverage: Documentation coverage issue. (a01ee06), closes #143
- search: Search links are broken. (e81a0f7), closes #140
1.0.0-beta.2 (2017-04-04)
- dom-tree: Unable to view DOMTree nodes image correctly. (2b5f275), closes #143
- app: Links are broken for static doc. (da2e18e), closes #140
- app: toggleMenuItems for additionalPages (692cfa0)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2017-04-03)
- @compodoc/compodoc : move compodoc to @compodoc/compodoc
- app: add component DOM tree graph in tab (318d0c6), closes #108
- app: add outlet routes detail, cleaning (a859976)
- app: additional documentation support (8792b3a)
- app: component DOM tree clickable and link to known components (ea5df1e)
- app: details on unique names for routes (6d0df01)
- app: display lazy-loaded modules infos / WIP (5bc21dc)
- app: link component DOM tree with directives founded (3a8010a)
- app: misc type first support (1db6781)
- app: move to prism.js for syntax highlighting + "Defined in" link (c252d6e)
- app: new routes page (169730a), closes #39 #17
- app: routes guards (aa27e65)
- app: routes page with modules support (1a6a390)
- app: templateUrl file read (53ceeb8)
- app: toggleMenuItems option (52891da)
- app: watch flag (dbe7cb6), closes #20
- app: watch flag | add/remove support (a276dac), closes #20
- menu: display routes after all general items (09a1caf)
- routing: display lazy loading routes (075670e)
- routing: display routes length in overview (a713aec)
- app: @link parsing (55564d6)
- app: add support for inheritanceand extends (97cff59), closes #116
- app: components don't have the correct data depth (b6f20e5), closes #111
- app: doesn't display routes pages if no routes (d31d634)
- app: functionSignature args 0 (d93a39d)
- app: group misc by file, support of enums (8031223), closes #101
- app: menu modules page link (f92f871)
- app: Multiple classes in the same file get the same description (516ce47), closes #118
- app: node 4 spread support (aa53770)
- app: promise sequential & node 4 (354c0df)
- app: Promise TS support (8eeccb9)
- app: Recognize ngOnInit() as a method | Angular Lifecycle hooks (2f0d5c0), closes #114
- app: support of functions (fe4ecf8), closes #110
- app: syntax highlightning / themes (0822550), closes #123
- app: watch changed file strategy details (3544cd9)
- dependencies: visitType error (be6258d), closes #103
- doc-coverage: ignore private, handle constructor (d4b7274), closes #122
- misc: display file path (8cd7a2e), closes #101
- routes: handle no lazy module (aa85c63)
0.0.41 (2017-02-10)
- app: remove TypeScript dependency for JSDoc tags (3a30eb7)
- app: jsdoc tag example for component decorator (786aea2), closes #100, #90
- app: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning (e9fdea5), closes #100, #103
- app @example for pipe, component and directive decorators (706322d)
0.0.40 (2017-02-08)
- app: ts.getJSDocTags availability (b3af872), closes #104, #105
- app: exclude part of the project from documentation generation (a7374a9), closes #102
0.0.39 (2017-02-06)
- app: Private methods and properties are skipped / align to typedoc (8490983), closes #99
- app: @link does not seem to be getting parsed for properties (d1fd592), closes #98
- app: support indexable object (cceb933), closes #97
- app: Support @internal in the module level as well (750cd63), closes #87
- app: miscellaneous support | variables and functions (d758840), closes #55
- app: remove base html tag, file:// support (0e5227d), closes #47 #35
- base tag removed. The documentation can now be opened directly with a browser.
0.0.38 (2017-01-27)
- app: ngd call for output path with spaces (37fe0a6), closes #44
- app: class constructor test (54b7c8e), closes #95
- app: test if constructor available (bd1cb92)
0.0.37 (2017-01-26)
- app: extend directive documentation (1637178), closes #91
- app: Support for @example from JSDoc (51cd282), closes #90
- app: Support for @link from JSDoc (f05b7e7), closes #92
- app: include constructor method in docs (ddd00dc), closes #94
0.0.36 (2017-01-23)
app: differentiate static members from instance members (c8460eb), closes #88
app: modules menu items shows even if no modules (af72453), closes #89
app: Image should resize to fit viewport (2b24237), closes #83
app: @input without type (0f92ca4)
app: file parsed doesn't exist (eda183d)
app: interface keys sorting with [key: string]: string; (4e4c5cd)
app: component output type issue with NewExpression (4e49d22)
app: parsing .d.ts (e38b571)
0.0.35 (2017-01-20)
app: multi-line in description and code hightlight in jsdocs params (816027e), closes #79 #77 #76
app: dont link to files excluded via tsconfig (3063f10), closes #59
0.0.34 (2017-01-19)
0.0.33 (2017-01-17)
- app: handle path with spaces for ngd call (8037285), closes #44
- app: nvm-windows path issue (7ac7373), closes #65
- app: disable highlightjs line-numbers on bash code blocks (96a6ff4), closes #64
- app: Cannot read property 'configuration' of undefined during external theme copy (2127408), closes #69
0.0.32 (2017-01-12)
0.0.31 (2017-01-11)
- app: private properties in constructors (2222446), closes #61
- app: functionSignature with Angular APIs (58316dd)
0.0.30 (2017-01-10)
- app: exclude internal members from generated documentation (fc795c8)
- app: passing src and ngd error (c0cfb2f)
- app: add an option to disable the graph (927ed12)
- app: Link to others types (10f72f7), closes #58
- app: support TS shorthand for properties defined in constructor (2965762), closes #56
0.0.29 (2017-01-07)
- app: handlebars breaking comments and highlightjs (1347b74), closes #49
- app: Syntax highlighting issue with tabs (54edaa0), closes #50
0.0.28 (2017-01-03)
0.0.27 (2017-01-03)
0.0.26 (2016-12-31)
- app: bin renaming (557a0d1)
0.0.25 (2016-12-31)
0.0.24 (2016-12-28)
- app: library mode support, for gulp-compodoc (5a65d87)
0.0.23 (2016-12-15)
0.0.22 (2016-12-12)
- routes: extend routes page : empty path, pathMatch (4474973)
0.0.21 (2016-12-12)
- app: es6 object.assign support (6c25f59)
0.0.20 (2016-12-12)
0.0.19 (2016-12-08)
- menu: scroll to active link (1c1ef1f), closes #27
- menu: simple routes or modules entry active class (ec81568)
- dependencies: don't stop on routes parsing errors (cef716b), closes #26
- app: default serving port flag (ea5ec23), closes #29
0.0.18 (2016-12-05)
- design: 7 new themes (740e165)
0.0.17 (2016-12-01)
0.0.16 (2016-11-29)
- app: delete top navbar, prepare for next design release (9c1d7c2)
0.0.15 (2016-11-16)
- overview: blocks alignment (6738c22)
- parsing: class methods issue (05316cb)
- parsing: don't create ts program for each child on a file, 300% boost ! (9f754cd)
0.0.14 (2016-11-15)
0.0.13 (2016-11-15)
0.0.12 (2016-11-13)
0.0.11 (2016-11-13)
0.0.10 (2016-11-12)
0.0.9 (2016-11-12)
- app: exclude by default node_modules folder (69b1e4d), closes #11
- app: handle ; after function in class (eb7c7e1), closes #12
- app: add nyc and codecovfeat (775875b)
- routes: display redirectTo (e7448e7)
- app: display error for routes parsing (69a52d7)
0.0.8 (2016-11-11)
- app: isGlobal npm context test (3ddc9ce)
0.0.7 (2016-11-11)
- app: local call of ngd, even compodoc installed globally or locally (8393fc0), closes #5
- app: local/global call of ngd (b9163a7)
- app: handle -s -d and -p correctly (dc0b388), closes #6
- app: rename file flag to tsconfig flag, details for base flag (3b21bc0)
- app: specify Node.js version (c394caf)
- -f flag is now -p flag. More similar to tsc flags.
0.0.6 (2016-11-10)
- app: handlebars not in the dependencies list (38aa0d6d)
0.0.5 (2016-11-09)
0.0.4 (2016-11-08)
- overview: syntax (995696ea)
- app: routes support (8fe00e6f)
0.0.3 (2016-11-08)
- app: simple classes support (35f2cc5)
0.0.2 (2016-11-07)
- modules: link to each module page (5673341)
- module: exclude Angular2 modules, WIP... (0bc5dff3)
- deps: cleaning (c817d4d)
- app: details on local server while serving (0bc5dff)
- app: display elapsed time for generation (14c5bfd)
- html-engine: put main page in cache (d2a9937)
- app: silent mode (005e64b)
- app: update screenshots (c33b729)
- app: vectorised logo (5de613b)
- app: mobile menu (b7ab594)
Initial release
Support of :
- components
- modules
- directives
- pipes
- injectables