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Contributing to sansmic

Thanks so much for your willingness to help out with sansmic's development 😀 Here's everything you need to know.

Developer Certificate of Origin / Contributor License Agreement

By contributing to this software project, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions in the Developer Certificate of Origin, included below.

  Developer Certificate of Origin
  Version 1.1

  Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.

  Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
  license document, but changing it is not allowed.

  Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1

  By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

  (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
      have the right to submit it under the open source license
      indicated in the file; or

  (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
      of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
      license and I have the right under that license to submit that
      work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
      by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
      permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
      in the file; or

  (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
      person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified

  (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
      are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
      personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
      maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
      this project or the open source license(s) involved.

All pull requests must be signed-off by the contributor, indicating that the commits contained in the PR are consistent with the DCO. Use git commit -s ... to sign off on commits from the command line.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before you begin hacking on sansmic, you'll need to do a few things:

  1. Fork the Repository: On sansmic's main page, in the top-right corner, you'll see a button to fork the repository. Do so, and then clone your fork and set it up with
    git clone${USER}/sansmic
    cd sansmic
    git remote add upstream
    git fetch upstream
  2. Set Up your Environment: Install the requirements with
    pip install --user --editable .[dev,docs,test]
  3. Documentation: To build the documentation, you will need to also obtain Doxygen as well as Sphinx. Sphinx will be installed with the pip command above, but you will need to install Doxygen. Afterwards, you can build a local copy of the documentation with
    cd docs
    make html


We use pre-commit to ensure adherence to good software development practices, enforce our style guide, etc. To set yourself up with it, ensure you have your development environment activated, and then run

cd /path/to/sansmic
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg --hook-type pre-push --hook-type black

The checks we perform are the following:

  • Ensure no large files are added to the repository.
  • Check for files that would conflict in case-sensitive filesystems.
  • Ensure files don't contain merge conflict strings.
  • Ensure files end with a single blank line.
  • Ensure we only use Unix line endings.
  • Trim trailing whitespace.
  • Use black to format python code.

VS Code

Our IDE of choice is VS Code. Download and install it, and then follow the instructions below to get it set up.

Getting Started

For getting up and running with VS Code, check out the following resources:


VS Code is highly customizable through the use of extensions. Click on the building blocks icon on the left-hand side to open the EXTENSIONS panel to search for and install them. These are the ones we recommend:


  • Better Comments: Style comments in a more human-friendly manner.
  • Code Spell Checker: Catch spelling mistakes in code and comments.
  • Conventional Commits: Adhere to the Conventional Commits specification for commit messages.
  • Coverage Gutters: Display test coverage in the editor.
  • GitLens — Git supercharged: Integrate some of the powerful features of GitKraken into VS Code.
  • IntelliCode: AI-assisted development features.
  • Pre-Commit: Commands and helpers for executing pre-commit hooks.
  • Test Explorer UI: Extensible user interface for running your tests in VS Code.
  • Vim: For when you can't truly leave vi behind (and who would want to?).
  • vscode-icons: Icons for the file explorer.


  • Python: The basic extension for Python code in VS Code.
  • Pylance: Language server for syntax checking your python code.
  • isort: Sort imports in python code to be consistently ordered and prioritized.
  • Black formatter: Format python files without needing to wait for pre-commit.
  • Jupyter: Run and develop the example notebooks.


  • C/C++: Basic C/C++ support.
  • C/C++ Extension Pack: Extra extensions that help with C++ development.


After installing the various extensions, you'll also want to customize your Settings. Some things can be set in the Settings editor:

  • Text Editor
    • Font
      • Font Family: Add "'Hack FC Ligatured', " to the beginning of the list. You'll also want to install the Ligatured Hack fonts on your system.
    • Files
      • Auto Save: Set to "onFocusChange".
      • Trim Trailing Whitespace: Check.
  • Extensions
    • Conventional Commits
      • Show Editor: Check.
      • Silent Auto Commit: Check.
    • coverage-gutters
      • Coverage-gutters: Show Line Coverage: Check.
      • Coverage-gutters: Show Ruler Coverage: Check.
    • Git
      • Allow Force Push: Check.
      • Autofetch: Set to "true".
      • Enable Smart Commit: Check.
      • Fetch On Pull: Check.
      • Prune On Fetch: Check.
      • Rebase When Sync: Check. This makes it such that you use git pull --rebase when pulling.
      • Show Push Success Notification: Check.
      • Terminal Git Editor: Check.
    • pre-commit-helper
      • Run On Save: Select "all hooks".
    • Vim
      • Vimrc: Enable: Check.
    • Black
      • Black: Enable: Check.

Other items can be customized in the settings.json file. Consider adding the following snippets:

  • To use ligatures to make multi-character symbols in code more readable, add
    "editor.fontLigatures": true
  • To add vertical rulers to the editor window, add
    "editor.rulers": [
  • If you'd like the UI to preserve the scope that you're currently editing at the top of the file as you scroll through it, you can add
    "editor.experimental.stickyScroll.enabled": true
  • To turn on search highlighting when using the Vim extension, add
    "vim.hlsearch": true

Coding Standards

Many of our coding standards are applied and enforced using pre-commit (see above). In addition to what's handled automatically, we have the following.


All code should be appropriately documented using NumPy or Google style docstrings (NumPy format is preferred) that can be parsed using Sphinx. You should build the documentation locally to make sure that everything is working correctly before creating a pull request.

Any new functionality that is added should also be added to the User Guide. Documentation that goes into the User Guide must be appropriate, in English, and free of typos and grammatical errors. If you are unsure about it, we recommend copying your documentation into a word processor to verify that it is correct. While we appreciate that spelling is different in different countries, please use U.S. English spellings to keep documentation consistent (sorry, but we can't modelling nor generating colour pictures here).


All new functionality must come with unit tests. Existing tests must be run and pass prior to a pull request being accepted. Do not change existing tests without verifying with the maintainers that such action would be appropriate, since doing so would indicate a major change in the codebase.

Best Practices

Please create an issue, or cite an existing issue when you add code, as this helps show that the codebase is moving forward with purpose.

Creating Issues

Create issues in GitHub for any work that needs to be done.


Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. GitHub uses a form of it for rendering issue and pull request descriptions and comments, wiki pages, and any files in your repositories with a .md extension (such as this one). For more details on what's possible with GitHub-flavored Markdown, see the documentation.

Issue Templates

When creating an issue, select one of the available issue templates, and then follow the instructions that appear in the template.


The sansmic > Labels page shows you all the labels we use, along with their descriptions. "Type" labels will be applied automatically when an issue is created via the issue template. "Stage" labels are used to keep track of what work is being done at any given time. Other labels can be added as appropriate.

Working Issues

Planning Work

Depending on the needs of the sansmic user base, a project maintainer will schedule issues to be tackled in the near future by applying the "Stage: Soon" label. An issue can then be grabbed by a member of the development team when they have some time available to work on it.

Note: If you're working on something that hasn't been scheduled—e.g., you're tackling a quick bug fix, or are tinkering with a feature you'd like to see added—don't worry about the "Stage: Soon" label; just work on it as per the rest of the guidelines below.

When Work Begins

First switch the label from "Stage: Soon" to "Stage: Development". Next make sure your local master branch is up-to-date with

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only upstream master

Note: You should never be making commits on your master branch. The --ff-only ensures you only update your local master branch if it can be fast-forwarded.

Once master is updated, you then create a feature branch off of it with

git checkout -b <branch-name>

The recommended branch naming convention is to use the issue number, followed by a hyphen, followed by the issue title, all lowercase, omitting special characters, and replacing spaces with hyphens. For instance, if issue number 123 has "Implement Awesome New Feature" as the title, the corresponding branch name would be 123-implement-awesome-new-feature.

As Work Continues

Do whatever work is necessary to address the issue you're tackling. Break your work into logical, working commits. Use the Conventional Commits extension for VS Code (or something similar) to ensure your commit messages adhere to the Conventional Commits specification.

Feel free to commit and push small chunks early and often and then use interactive rebase to reorganize your commits before sharing.

Note: If you rebase a branch that's already been pushed to a remote, you'll wind up changing the history, which will require a force push. That is permissible (even encouraged), but if you've had one or more reviewers or collaborators working with you on the branch, get their buy-in first before doing a force push.

When Work is Complete

While working on your feature in your local <branch-name> branch, other commits will likely make it into the upstream master branch. There are a variety of ways to merge these changes into your local feature branch. One possibility is

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only upstream master
git checkout <branch-name>
git rebase master

though there are others that are equally valid. Once all is well, create a pull request (see below).

Closing Old Issues

If at any point you encounter an issue that will not be worked in the foreseeable future, it is worthwhile to close the issue such that we can maintain a reasonable backlog of upcoming work. Do be sure to include in the comments some explanation as to why the issue won't be addressed.

Pull Requests

The only way changes get into master is through pull requests. When you've completed work on an issue, push your branch to your fork with git push -u origin <branch-name>, and then create a pull request. Apply the same "Type" label as the issue, and then return to the issue and swap "Stage: Development" for "Stage: Review".


A project maintainer will review your pull request. Work with them to get your changes into an acceptable state.


You may wish to have your changes reviewed by colleagues before they are ready to be merged into master. To do so, create a draft pull request. GitHub will not allow you to merge a draft request. When it's ready for review, you can mark it as ready.

Continuous Integration

GitHub Actions is GitHub's continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) mechanism. The configurations for our workflows can be found in the *.yml files in the .github/workflows directory in the repository root:


In addition to the GitHub Actions workflows, we also integrate with the following services:

  • Codecov: We calculate and publish code coverage details for all PRs and merged into master, and the service comments on PRs indicating any changes in coverage compared to the base branch.
  • We ensure all the pre-commit checks we encourage developers to run locally also run in CI.


When the review is finished and changes are ready to be merged into master:

  1. Rebase your feature branch on top of the latest master.
  2. Clean up your branch with an interactive rebase, squashing down to the smallest number of commits that makes sense. If there are successive distinct changes in a pull request, it's fine for those to be preserved in separate commits.
  3. Notify your reviewers that the request is ready to merge.
  4. Wait for them to merge the request.
  5. Ensure the post-merge CI pipeline also succeeds.

Conventional Comments

When commenting on issues and pull requests, we endeavor to adhere to the Conventional Comments specification wherever applicable. Comments should have the form

<label> [decorations]: <subject>



  • label: This is a single label that signifies what kind of comment is being left.
  • subject: This is the main message of the comment.
  • decorations (optional): These are extra decorating labels for the comment. They are surrounded by parentheses and comma-separated.
  • discussion (optional): This contains supporting statements, context, reasoning, and anything else to help communicate the “why” and “next steps” for resolving the comment.

The labels we use are the following:

  • chore: Chores are simple tasks that must be done before the subject can be “officially” accepted. Usually, these comments reference some common process. Try to leave a link to the process description so that the reader knows how to resolve the chore.
  • issue: Issues highlight specific problems with the subject under review. These problems can be user-facing or behind the scenes. It is strongly recommended to pair this comment with a suggestion. If you are not sure if a problem exists or not, consider leaving a question.
  • note: Notes are always non-blocking and simply highlight something the reader should take note of.
  • polish: Polish comments are like a suggestion, where there is nothing necessarily wrong with the relevant content, there's just some ways to immediately improve the quality.
  • praise: Praises highlight something positive. Try to leave at least one of these comments per review. Do not leave false praise (which can actually be damaging). Do look for something to sincerely praise.
  • quibble: Quibbles are trivial, preference-based requests. These should be non-blocking by nature.
  • suggestion: Suggestions propose improvements to the current subject. It's important to be explicit and clear on what is being suggested and why it is an improvement. Consider using patches and the blocking or non-blocking decorations to further communicate your intent.
  • thought: Thoughts represent an idea that popped up from reviewing. These comments are non-blocking by nature, but they are extremely valuable and can lead to more focused initiatives and mentoring opportunities.
  • todo: TODO's are small, trivial, but necessary changes. Distinguishing todo comments from issues or suggestions helps direct the reader's attention to comments requiring more involvement.
  • typo: Typo comments are like todo, where the main issue is a misspelling.
  • question: Questions are appropriate if you have a potential concern but are not quite sure if it's relevant or not. Asking the author for clarification or investigation can lead to a quick resolution.

The decorations we use are the following:

  • if-minor: This decoration gives some freedom to the author that they should resolve the comment only if the changes ends up being minor or trivial.
  • non-blocking: A comment with this decoration should not prevent the subject under review from being accepted. Without this decoration, comments are assumed to be blocking.