- Git Hub
- Maven
- SonarQube
- Nexus Repo
- Tomcat
- Jenkins
node {
- Use Pipeline Syntax and Generate Script for Git Clone with Repo Details
git credentialsId: 'GIT-Credentials', url: 'https://github.com/ashokitschool/maven-web-app.git'
- Add Generated Script in Pipeline as a stage
stage('clone repo') {
git credentialsId: 'GIT-Credentials', url: 'https://github.com/ashokitschool/maven-web-app.git'
Configure Maven as Global Tool in Manage Jenkins
Add Maven Build Stage in Pipeline
stage ('Maven Build') {
def mavenHome = tool name: "Maven-3.9.4", type: "maven"
def mavenCMD = "${mavenHome}/bin/mvn"
sh "${mavenCMD} clean package"
Start Sonar Server
Login into Sonar Server & Generate Sonar Token
Ex: cedbc0b89e45c58f4a86e4687f2df2a2241e3369 -
Add Sonar Token in 'Jenkins Credentials' as Secret Text
-> Manager Jenkins
-> Credentials
-> Add Credentials
-> Select Secret text
-> Enter Sonar Token as secret text -
Install SonarQube Scanner Plugin
-> Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available -> Sonar Qube Scanner Plugin -> Install it -
Configure SonarQube Server
-> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Sonar Qube Servers -> Add Sonar Qube Server - Name : Sonar-Server-7.8 - Server URL : (Give your sonar server url here) - Add Sonar Server Token -
Add SonarQube Stage in Jenkins Pipeline
stage('SonarQube analysis') {
withSonarQubeEnv('Sonar-Server-7.8') {
def mavenHome = tool name: "Maven-3.8.6", type: "maven"
def mavenCMD = "${mavenHome}/bin/mvn"
sh "${mavenCMD} sonar:sonar"
- Run nexus VM and create nexus repository
- Create Nexus Repository
- Install Nexus Repository Plugin using Manage Plugins ( Plugin Name : Nexus Artifact Uploader)
- Generate Nexus Pipeline Syntax
stage ('Nexus Upload'){
nexusArtifactUploader artifacts: [[artifactId: '01-Maven-Web-App', classifier: '', file: 'target/01-maven-web-app.war', type: 'war']], credentialsId: 'Nexus-Credentials', groupId: 'in.ashokit', nexusUrl: '', nexusVersion: 'nexus3', protocol: 'http', repository: 'ashokit-snapshot-repository', version: '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
- Start Tomcat Server
- Install SSH Agent plugin using Manage Plugins
- Generate SSH Agent and configure stage
- Add Tomcat Server as 'Uname with Secret Text'
stage ('Deploy'){
sshagent(['Tomcat-Server-Agent']) {
sh 'scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no target/01-maven-web-app.war ec2-user@'