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Example of running a bull job in forked process

The NestJS bull package is nice wrapper around bull which provides support for jobs being run in a separate process.

To take advantage of bulls auto forking processing, you just need to provide a path to a file that can act as the jobs processor.

Create the separate file you want to run the job with

import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DoneCallback, Job } from 'bull';

export default function (job: Job<{ message: string }>, cb: DoneCallback) {
  Logger.verbose(`${} (pid ${})`, `SEPARATE`);
  cb(null, 'Hurrah');

Remember, this file will need to be able to be run on its own. Of course you can add additional imports and such, but it will be running in a different process so your application and its resources will not be available to it.

When registering your queues, specify the path to the separate file. Here I register 2 queues. One to run in the SAME process as the application and one the will run in a SEPARATE process

  imports: [
    // register root
      redis: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 6379,
    // register queues
        name: 'SAME', // this will run in same process as this module
        name: 'SEPARATE', // this will run in its own process
        processors: [join(__dirname, 'separate.process')],
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [SameService],
export class AppModule {}

Then you can fire off jobs as normal. Below I fire off a job to a queue in the application process, then another job into the separate file

export class AppController {
    @InjectQueue('SAME') private readonly same: Queue,
    @InjectQueue('SEPARATE') private readonly separate: Queue,
  ) {}

  getHello(): string {

    // Example of adding a job processed in same thread
    this.same.add({ message: 'Knock knock.' });

    // Example of adding a job processed in separate thread
    this.separate.add({ message: 'FORK OFF.' });

    return 'ok';

localhost:3000 then outputs

[Nest] 13400   - 08/05/2021, 16:49:18   [SAME] Knock knock. (pid 13400) +8821ms
[Nest] 2660   - 08/05/2021, 16:49:19   [SEPARATE] FORK OFF. (pid 2660)


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