🔭 I’m currently working on Amazon Clone
🌱 I’m currently learning GO
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on RESTFUL APIs
💬 Ask me about React, JavaScript, npm
📫 How to reach me samuealaemrowork12@gmail.com
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amazon-clone PublicThis is the front-end folder for the amazon clone webapp, it is a functional and built with ReactJs and has a backend built with ExpressJs
JavaScript 2
netflix-clone PublicA netflix-clone App to show-case my frontend web-app development skills and authentication with Firebase
JavaScript 1
Amazon-Backend-Deploy PublicThis is the back-end code for the amazon-clone(hosted on netlify) and the backend is hosted on Render
JavaScript 1
SamuelAemroPage PublicThis is my first ever website and is a static website, built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, the design is not mine but the code is done by me, this is meant to grow to a portfolio website someday
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