#Electroporation Model
This is a phase-field code implemented in FORTRAN 90. This code models the diffuse interface model of electroporation. Allen-Cahn type equation are utilized along with electric field equations under leaky dielectric assumption. The file manager.f90
is the highest level of control, co-ordinating, so to speak, the sequence to calls solvers, initializations, etc. The module solver_mod.f90 contains the solver routines. The module util_mod.f90 contains functions called upon to do various i/o.
Input variables are given in input file.
Note 1: For initfile the variable takes either "yes"
or "no"
. If it's "yes"
the initname would be the name of the file contains the initial profile of order parameter. Otherwise, the code will do the random mixture of order parameter with ave=0.5
To build and compile the codes into an executable, run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
the executable then is created in bin
with name electroporation