Chatbot that understands Dagger pipelines and can help you using Dagger.
It's an alternative to reading documentation.
Tech used:
- Langchain
- Ollama
- Dagger Python SDK
First, install the local python dependencies.
Run the following commands in a shell:
python3 -m venv venv && source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then you need to make sure you have Ollama up and running.
If you're not using the MacOS app and you built from the binary, open a shell and run the following command:
ollama serve
Several assets are needed for the chatbot to run:
- Fetch the documentation markdown files from the Dagger git repository
- Sanitize them (strip useless characters), split them into documents
- Tokenize the documents using an embedding model
- Store the tokenized documents into vector db (Chroma)
How to generate the assets:
dagger run ./
Ask me anything about Dagger: How to integrate Dagger with Github actions?