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This SuperBuild is provided as a convenience for users and developers who wish to get started quickly with LBANN. This is not a replacement for a legitimate package manager like spack. However, we will do our best to maintain this as a suitable way to build LBANN on workstations, as well as the LLNL clusters.

LBANN SuperBuild

Welcome to the LBANN SuperBuild. The purpose of this CMake framework is to build third-party library dependencies of LBANN as well as LBANN itself. The build system is exclusive by default; i.e., packages, including LBANN, will not be built unless required. If a third-party library is not built by this project, it must be provided via a forwarded argument (see Passing options to SuperBuild Subpackages).

SuperBuild CMake Options

Arguments that are processed by the SuperBuild are prefixed with LBANN_SB_. The notable options are:

  • LBANN_SB_BUILD_<PKG>, where <PKG> is one of ALUMINUM, CNPY, CUB, ELEMENTAL, HYDROGEN, JPEG_TURBO, LBANN, OPENBLAS, OPENCV, PROTOBUF. Enables the build of <PKG> as a subproject.

  • LBANN_SB_FWD_*. See Passing options to SuperBuild Subpackages).

  • LBANN_SB_CLONE_CLEAN_LBANN. If ON, the SuperBuild will clone a fresh git repository and use that for the build. If OFF (default), it will use the source directory located one level up from this directory.

  • <PKG>_URL. The URL from which to clone <PKG>.

  • <PKG>_TAG. The Git tag, hash, or branch to checkout for <PKG>.

Passing options to SuperBuild Subpackages

Certain options passed to the SuperBuild will get forwarded to subpackages. The syntax for achieving this is described here.

  • <PKG>_<OPTION>. Certain packages format their CMake options this way by default (e.g., LBANN). These options are forwarded as-is, i.e., as -D<PKG>_<OPTION>:<ARG_TYPE>=${<PKG>_<OPTION>}, where <ARG_TYPE> is computed by CMake. Other packages do not format their CMake options this way (e.g., OpenCV). These options are forwarded with the <PKG>_ prefix removed, i.e., as -D<OPTION>:<ARG_TYPE>=${<PKG>_<OPTION>}.

  • <PKG>_<CMAKE_OPTION>. <CMAKE_OPTION> is any option that starts with the word CMAKE, e.g., CMAKE_C_COMIPLER or CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. These options are stripped of the <PKG>_ prefix and forwarded, i.e., -D<CMAKE_OPTION>:<ARG_TYPE>=${<PKG>_<CMAKE_OPTION>}.

  • LBANN_SB_FWD_<PKG>_<OPTION>. These options are forwarded to <PKG> as -D<OPTION>:<ARG_TYPE>=${LBANN_SB_FWD_<PKG>_<OPTION>}.

Some subpackages (e.g., Protobuf) are not CMake packages. There is not (yet) a uniform way to forward options to these packages. <PKG>_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX gets forwarded to the prefix mechanism of the underlying build system and <PKG>_CMAKE_{C,CXX,Fortran}_COMPILER gets forwarded to the compiler setting mechanism of the underlying build system. Other options are documented on a per-package basis.

A note about CUDA support

If your preferred host compiler for NVCC is not set in your environment, CMake will probably get it wrong. If you build a package with CUDA using NVCC, you should be sure to pass in CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER or set CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS=-ccbin=/path/to/host/compiler.

Sample invocation of CMake

A sample invocation of CMake that builds a CPU-based LBANN build with all default options is:

mkdir build
cd build