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Notion to Markdown Converter

notion-md-converter is a library that converts Notion blocks into Markdown text.Markdown syntax varies slightly depending on the platform being used. For example, some platforms recognize equations enclosed in $$ as equation blocks, while others do not. Similarly, checklist syntax (e.g., - [ ] or * [ ]) may differ, and there may also be variations in how links and images are embedded. notion-md-converter is designed to be easily extensible, allowing flexible adaptation to these platform-specific differences.

🎮 Demo

Try out notion-md-converter in action! Visit our live demo to see how it converts Notion blocks to Markdown in real-time.

🌐 Supported Platforms

Platform Status Library
Zenn @notion-md-converter/zenn
Qiita @notion-md-converter/qiita
note Coming Soon -
Hatena Blog Coming Soon -

Platform-specific Markdown Output

Block Type Smple Zenn Qiita
Bookmark Link Zenn link card Qiita link card
Breadcrumb - - -
Bulleted list item Bulleted list Bulleted list Bulleted list
Callout Quotation Zenn message Qiita note
Child database - - -
Child page - - -
Code Code Code Code
Column list and column From left to right From left to right From left to right
Divider Divider Divider Divider
Embed Link Zenn embed or Link card Qiita embed or Link card
Equation Equation($$) Equation($$) Code(math)
File Link Link Link
Headings Headings Headings Headings
Image Image Image Image
Link Preview Link Zenn embed or Link card Qiita embed or Link card
Mention Rich Text Rich Text Rich Text
Numbered list item Numbered list Numbered list Numbered list
Paragraph Rich Text Rich Text Rich Text
PDF Link Link Link
Quote Quote Quote Quote
Synced block Follows inner blocks Follows inner blocks Follows inner blocks
Table Table Table Table
Table of contents - - -
To do ToDo list ToDo list ToDo list
Toggle blocks details tag Zenn toggle details tag
Video video tag video tag and Embed video tag and Embed


This library has not yet released a major version (v1.0.0). Therefore, breaking changes may be included in minor version updates. Please be aware that the API is subject to change until we reach v1.0.0.

🚀 Installation

Install via npm

# if JavaScript
npm install @notion-md-converter/core

# if TypeScript
npm install @notion-md-converter/core @notion-md-converter/types

📖 Usage

Follow Notion's Getting Started Guide to obtain an API key.

Basic Example

import {
} from "@notion-md-converter/core";
import { Client } from "@notionhq/client";

const client = new Client({
  auth: API_KEY,

const pageId = "some-page-id";
// Notion API helpers in this library.
// Recursively retrieve the Notion Block's child elements
const content = await $getPageFullContent(client, pageId);

// convert to markdwon
const executor = new NotionMarkdownConverter();
const result = executor.execute(content);


The APIs $getPageFullContent and $getDatabasePages may undergo specification changes in the future as we plan to remove the dependency on @notionhq/client.

Customizing Output Markdown

If you want to change the conversion of a Heading Block. For example, define a custom transformer that increases the number of # in a Markdown heading by one.

import { MarkdownUtils } from "../utils";
import { createBasicHeadingTransformer } from "./createBasicTransformer";

export const createMarkdownCustomHeadingTransformer = () => {
	// Use a function to create a transformer
  return createBasicHeadingTransformer(({ level, richText }) => {
    const text = MarkdownUtils.convertRichTextsToMarkdown(richText);
    return MarkdownUtils.wrapWithNewLines(MarkdownUtils.heading(text, level + 1)); // add 1 level

To simplify writing tests for transformers, we provide the @notion-md-converter/testing library. This library allows you to easily create Notion block objects and test their conversion results.

$ npm install @notion-md-converter/testing
import {
} from "@notion-md-converter/testing";
import { createMarkdownCustomHeadingTransformer } from "./createMarkdownCustomHeadingTransformer";

describe("createMarkdownCustomHeadingTransformer", () => {
  const transformer = createMarkdownCustomHeadingTransformer();

  it("Can convert heading_1 block", () => {
    const block = createHeading1Block({
      richText: [
          content: "Hello",
    const context = createTransformerContext({
      blocks: [block],

    const result = transformer(context);
    expect(result).toBe(dedent({ wrap: true })`
      ## Hello

Define the created transformer in the options of the converter.

const executor = new NotionMarkdownConverter({
  heading: createMarkdownCustomHeadingTransformer(),
const result = executor.execute(content);

Caption Metadata

You can set metadata for captions in blocks such as images, code blocks, and embeds. Metadata is specified in key=value format, and the portion from the beginning of the caption to the first : is treated as metadata.

Basic Usage

width=500:This is an image description

In this case:

  • width=500 is the metadata
  • This is an image description is the actual caption

Multiple Metadata

Multiple metadata can be specified by separating them with &:

width=500&height=300:This is an image description

In this case:

  • width=500 and height=300 are metadata
  • This is an image description is the actual caption

Usage Examples

  • Specifying image width: width=500:Image description
  • Setting diff for code blocks: diff=true:filename.js

You got it! 😊

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

👥 コミュニティと貢献


注: 現在は日本語でのコミュニケーションを主としています。将来的に英語でのコミュニケーションにも対応することを検討しています。 Note: Currently, we primarily communicate in Japanese. We are considering supporting English communication in the future.

  • バグを見つけた場合: Issueを作成してください
  • 新機能の提案: 機能要望を作成してください
  • コードの貢献: CONTRIBUTING.mdをご確認ください

🤝 サポート

  • プロジェクトに関する質問や議論はDiscussionsをご利用ください
  • バグ報告や機能要望はIssuesをご利用ください