A tab bar that switches between scenes, written in JS for cross-platform support. It works on iOS and Android.
This component is compatible with React Native 0.16 and newer.
The look and feel is slightly different than the native navigator but it is better in some ways. Also it is pure JavaScript.
The API of this component may change in the future to be more like Navigator's, which works great once there is better support for nested Navigators in React Native.
Import TabNavigator as a JavaScript module:
import TabNavigator from 'react-native-tab-navigator';
This is an example of how to use the component and some of the commonly used props that it supports:
selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'home'}
renderIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'home' })}>
selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'profile'}
renderIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
renderSelectedIcon={() => <Image source={...} />}
renderBadge={() => <CustomBadgeView />}
onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'profile' })}>
See TabNavigatorItem's supported props for more info.
You can hide the tab bar by using styles. For example:
let tabBarHeight = 0;
tabBarStyle={{ height: tabBarHeight, overflow: 'hidden' }}
sceneStyle={{ paddingBottom: tabBarHeight }}