Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
no, I just would like to know if it could be simplified. And nice feature, by the way. We can get rid of data-id
parameters in our templates.
Is there a reason for prepending "ref" with the word "lwc:" ?
Couldn't it just be
<div :ref="reference"></div>
<div ref="reference"></div>
Vue and React template engines are able to use just "ref", so I believe lwc would also be able to do it. It would be good if you could try to follow what other frameworks did well, so that people that are used to one of them can learn lwc faster. I only see benefits doing so.
Another question, does it accept expressions?
<div ref={dynamicRef}></div>
<template for:each={bla} for:item="blas">
<div ref={bla}></div>
<template for:each={bla} for:item="blas">
<div ref={getDynamicRef(bla)}></div>