A simple java script based word count extension for Google Chrome.
- This an extension which I though would be useful for me while preparing for my language proficiency test where in we have to keep track of number of words used.
- It is quite common in various applications that we have to fill in say x number of words and in many cases there's no word counting software not available on such applications. So I decided to make an extension where in I could paste my text and know the no. of words.
You may want to clone this repository or download as a zip.
🔰 To add this extension to your set of extensions,
Unpack the extension into a location of your choice.
Goto More Tools Option just below Find under the menu on your right side of the Chrome Browser and select Extensions
Choose Load Unpacked and select the unpacked folder on your computer!
✨ You've now added the WC-Chrome-Extension into your set of extensions!
I wish to make this extension work asynchrnously with the text typed into the form area rather than paste it in the Box provided.
😇 Thanks! Have a great time using this extension!
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