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fenxian edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 3 revisions

Query help

  1. "C-h k" can obtain key description.
  2. "C-h m" can obtain detail key bindings in current mode.

Some useage of plugins

1. helm-gtags

Using by command (M-x ..)

You can check thus commands in ".emacs.d/site-lisp/helm-gtags/helm-gtags.el".

There are some examples following:


Jumping to tag base on context:

  1. If the tag at point is a definition, ggtags jumps to a reference. If there is more than one reference, it displays a list of references.
  2. If the tag at point is a reference, ggtags jumps to tag definition.
  3. If the tag at point is an include header, it jumps to that header.


A really nice feature that uses Helm to display all available tags in a project and incrementally filtering. This is useful when you want to explore tags in unfamiliar project.


  1. if point is inside a function, the prompt will be default to the function name.
  2. If point is on a function, it lists references of that functions immediately.
  3. If point is on a variable, helm-gtags-find-rtags won't have any effect. You should use helm-gtags-find-symbol, which is bound to C-c g s.


List all the functions that the current function.




Return forward location

Control by binding keys

You can check it by "C-h m". In addition, you can add some key bindings in "/lisp/init-helm.el" as the author.

2. sr-speedbar

Basic usage:

  • Use SPC to open the children of a node.
  • RET to open the node in another window. If node is a file, open that file; if node is a directory, enter that directory; if node is a tag in a file, jump to the location of that tag in the file.
  • U to go up parent directory.
  • n or p moves to next or previous node.
  • M-n or M-p moves to next or previous node at the current level.
  • b switches to buffer list using Speedbar presentation. You can also open children of each buffer.
  • f switches back to file list.


Author have two key bindings in init-sr-speedbar.el.

  • (global-set-key (kbd "C-c j s") 'sr-speedbar-toggle)
  • (global-set-key (kbd "C-c j r") 'sr-speedbar-refresh-toggle)
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