Starting with v61, setuptools (experimentally) support pyproject.toml for configuration, see pypa/setuptools#1688.
setuptools 68.1.0 declared support for pyproject.toml as stable.
Moreover, setup.cfg will eventually be deprecated so it's a good idea to migrate from cfg to toml.
Migration can be done mostly automatically using
(cd pkgs/sage-conf && ini2toml setup.cfg > pyproject.toml && git rm -f setup.cfg && git add pyproject.toml)
(cd pkgs/sagemath-objects && (echo && echo '[project]' && ini2toml -p setup.cfg setup.cfg.m4 | sed "1,/[[]project/d;s/\"esys/esys/;s/install-requires /install-requires-toml /;s/ *\\\\\\\\\"/\')/;/conf-unix/d;" ) >> pyproject.toml.m4 && git rm -f setup.cfg.m4)
(the conversion of the m4 files loses some install-requires and needs to be fixed up manually.)
This is also preparation for #34630 (migration from setuptools to meson-python)
Depends on #33842
Depends on #30666
CC: @mkoeppe
Component: build
Author: Matthias Koeppe
Branch/Commit: u/mkoeppe/migrate_from_setup_cfg_to_pyproject_toml @ f81a0c8
Issue created by migration from