Hi there ✋!
🤟 This is Musabbir sagar, A web development polymath and digital nomad who loves to create stunning websites with cutting-edge technologies.
I have over a decade of experience in web development, having worked with multiple development agencies and achieved success on platforms like Upwork and Turing. I've also established my own custom web development agency in the UK called Third Bracket. Additionally, I contribute to open source projects through NomadGang.com.
💼. I’ve founded Third Bracket and overlook NoMadGang
✍🏻. I regularly write articles on My Blog and Medium
❓. Ask me anything on Quora
#️⃣. Connect with me on social on Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter
💬. Directly reach me by messege at WhatsApp or by email at Email
🔗. Follow my digital footprints on Dev.To Medium
⚙️ My Ecosystem
🤖 Open Source Contributions