Source code of "Consolidation of Services in Mobile Edge Clouds using a Learning-based Framework" paper link:
- Download source code from GitHub
git clone
- Create conda virtual-environment
conda create --name EdgeSim python=3
- Activate conda environment
source activate EdgeSim
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The code is separated into two modules inside the /code folder
- /code/src/edge_simulator: contains the source code of the environemnt that is build on top of gym library
- /code/experiments_scripts: contains the set of codes to replicate the results of the paper and do experiments with the environments
- go to the /code/src/edge_simulator and install the library in the editable mode with
pip install -e .
- First go to the and add the address of data, model and results to the Python file
- Go to the code/experiments_scripts, the can genearte a dataset of user specified criteria
- Specify the dataset specifications in config_generate_dataset.json
- Use the from the command line to generate the dataset
the results will be saved in the data folder.python config_generate_dataset.json
- Specify your desired config in one of the config_v(0-3).json based on the environment you want to run the experiments
the results will be saved in the models folder.
python config_v0.json
- In order to plot the results of several experiments in a single plot go to the config_aggregate.json
the results will be saved in the results folder.
python config_aggregate.json