- Fix: Issue with a clean puppet 4 based install failure.
- Modulesync with latest Vox Pupuli defaults
- delete the .pmtignore (is redundant with our .gitignore)
- Deprecate the downloadURL parameter
- Add a systemd unit file for the RHEL 7 family
- Use a service_file_template variable to reference init scripts
- Add a context_path parameter to manage situations where Confluence is served from a sub-path to the base URL
- Add manage_user parameter
- Fix minimum required stdlib version
- modulesync with voxpupuli defaults
(this is the first release made under the voxpupuli namespace. Older version were from mkrakowitzer)
- Rewrite README file
- Bump confluence version to 5.7.1
- Update metadata, CHANGELOG to point to new namespace.
- Add .pmtignore file
Note: This is the final release of this module before it is deprecated with a 999.999.999 version. This module will be moving the the puppet-community namespace on github and the puppet namespace on puppetforge soon.
- Make confluence users shell configurable.
- update README, metadata, .travis.yml
- Add CONTRIBUTING.md and test coverage spec.
- Resolve issue #22 - confluence_version fact detects wrong version
- Resolve issue #20 - param manage_server_xml acceptCount option is duplicated
- Replace mkrakowitzer-deploy with nanlui-staging as default for dropping files.
- Add tests
- Resolve issue #7 Make tomcat port / tomcat parameters configurable.
- Add parameter manage_server_xml, tomcat_max_threads, tomcat_accept_count, tomcat_extras.
- Add tests
- rename parameter proxy to tomcat_proxy, port to tomcat_port.
- Add support for STRICT_VARIABLES=yes FUTURE_PARSER=yes
- Resole issue #6 Handle confluence upgrades smoothly
- This will stop confluence if running version is less than manifest version. Attempt to upgrade and then start confluence.