Welcome to Awesome Vim9, a community-driven list of useful vim9script powered plugins, utilities, and libraries. Legacy vimscript plugins are not listed here.
To submit a new plugin read CONTRIBUTING.md first.
- Command Execution
- Completion
- Editing
- File Management
- Fuzzy Finding
- Integrations
- Language Server Protocol
- Libraries
- Miscellaneous
- Motion
- Plugin Management
- UI
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-shout | Run and Capture Shell Command Output in Vim | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vimcomplete | Async autocompletion for Vim. | ✅ |
vimsuggest | Auto-completion for Vim's cmdline mode. | ✅ |
vim-camelcomplete | Vim 9 plugin to complete CamelCase, snake_case and dash-words identifier abbreviations. | ✅ |
vim-wispath | A path completion script written in Vim9 script. | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
auto-pairs | Vim9 auto pairs plugin | ✅ |
vim-highlight-yanked | Highlight yanked text | ✅ |
vim-writegood | Check your prose in Vim | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-dir | Vim file manager | ✅ |
vim-netrw-salad | A delicious salad to go with your beloved netrw. | ❎ |
vim-open-recent | Open recent files from a popup menu. | ✅ |
poplar.vim | Popup filetree and pinned files for vim9. | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
fuzzyy | A fuzzy finder plugin for vim | ✅ |
minifuzzy.vim | Simple Vim9 fuzzy finder wrapper utilizing Vim9's built-in fuzzy finding capability | ✅ |
scope.vim | Minimal, fast, and extensible fuzzy finder. | ✅ |
vim-fzy | Run fzy asynchronously in a Vim (popup) terminal-window | ✅ |
vim-poptools | Exploit popups as much as you can! | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-conda-activate | Activate Conda environments in Vim. | ✅ |
vim-bazel.vim | Bazel integration for Vim | ✅ |
vim-cmake-help | View CMake Documentation inside Vim | ✅ |
miniterm.vim | Simple Vim9 toggle-terminal manager | ✅ |
vimdict | A Simple Wrapper Over The Dict CLI | ✅ |
vim-manim | Use Manim inside Vim | ✅ |
vim-replica | Enjoy Jupiter inside Vim | ✅ |
vim-microdebugger | A debugger for micro-controllers | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
yegappan/lsp | Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9 | ✅ |
creativenull/vim-lspclient | A highly experimental lsp client for vim. Written in vim9script. | ❎ |
saccarosium/yegappan-lsp-settings | Quickstart configs for yeggapan lsp client | ❎ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-devel | The workbench for modern Vim development | ✅ |
vim-colortemplate | The Toolkit for Vim Color Scheme Designers! | ✅ |
vim-autograd | Automatic differentiation library written in pure Vim script. | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-ii | IRC with suckless Irc it (ii) and vim | ✅ |
vim-boxdraw | Vim 9 plugin to draw boxes, tables, and lines | ✅️ |
vim-ez-emoji | An easy emoji plugin for vim written in vim9script | ✅ |
vim-outline | A simple outline sketcher. | ✅ |
vim-helpme | Who can remember all that stuff? | ✅ |
vim9-conversion-aid | Aid to convert legacy scripts to Vim9 language | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim9-stargate | modern alternative to easymotion written in vim9 | ✅ |
easyjump.vim | The Vim motion you've always wanted. | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
plugpac.vim | Plugpac is a plugin manger written in Vim9 based on minpac, provides vim-plug-like experience | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-popped | A plugin for Vim providing commands that use Vim’s builtin popup window functionality. | ✅ |
vim-extended-view | A window is too small for your long buffer? Then, try this! | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-light-pink | A Vim9 light color scheme. | ✅ |
vim9-gruvbox | A vim9script port of Gruvbox | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-qf-preview | Preview the quickfix item under the cursor in a popup window | ✅ |
vim-qf-diagnostics | Highlight quickfix errors, and display error messages as virtual text or in a popup window | ✅ |
vim-qf-history | Navigate Vim's quickfix and location-list history using a popup menu | ✅ |
Name | Description | Maintained |
vim-tene | Vim 9 - teRNARY STATUSLIne | ✅ |