Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab @SJCE
GCD Algorithms:
- Implement Euclid’s, Consecutive integer checking, and Modified Euclid’s algorithms to find GCD of two nonnegative integers.
- Perform comparative analysis by generating best case and worst case data.
Searching Algorithms:
- Implement the following searching algorithms and perform their analysis by generating best case and worst case data. a) Sequential Search b) Binary Search(Recursive)
Elementary Sorting Algorithms:
- Implement the following elementary sorting algorithms and perform their analysis by generating best case and worst case data. a) Selection Sort b) Bubble Sort c) Insertion Sort (Note: Any two may be asked in the test/exam)
Brute Force String Matching:
- Implement Brute force string matching algorithm to search for a pattern of length ‘M’ in a text of length ‘N’ (M<=N).
- Perform its analysis by generating best case and worst case data.
Merge Sort:
- Implement Merge Sort algorithm and perform its analysis by generating best case and worst case data.
Quick Sort:
- Implement Quick Sort algorithm and perform its analysis by generating best case and worst case data.
DFS Algorithm:
- Implement DFS algorithm to check for connectivity and acyclicity of a graph.
- If not connected, display the connected components.
- Perform its analysis by generating best case and worst case data. (Note: While showing correctness, input should be given for both connected/disconnected and cyclic/acyclic graphs.)
BFS Algorithm:
- Implement BFS algorithm to check for connectivity and acyclicity of a graph.
- If not connected, display the connected components.
- Perform its analysis by generating best case and worst case data. (Note: While showing correctness, Input should be given for both connected/disconnected and cyclic/acyclic graphs.)
Topological Ordering:
- Implement DFS based algorithm to list the vertices of a directed graph in Topological ordering.
- Perform its analysis giving a minimum of 5 graphs with a different number of vertices and edges. (starting with 4 vertices). (Note: While showing correctness, input should be given for with and without a solution.)
Source Removal Algorithm:
- Implement source removal algorithm to list the vertices of a directed graph in Topological ordering.
- Perform its analysis giving a minimum of 5 graphs with a different number of vertices and edges. (starting with 4 vertices). (Note: Use an efficient method to identify the source vertex. While showing correctness, Input should be given for with and without a solution.)
Heap Sort:
- Implement heap sort algorithm with bottom-up heap construction.
- Perform its analysis by generating best case and worst case data.
Graph Algorithms: a) Implement Warshall’s Algorithm to find the transitive closure of a directed graph. b) Implement Floyd’s Algorithm to find All-pair shortest paths for a graph.
- Perform analysis giving a minimum of 5 graphs with a different number of vertices and edges (starting with 4 vertices).
Dynamic Programming - Knapsack Problem: a) Implement bottom up Dynamic Programming algorithm to solve the Knapsack problem. b) Implement a Dynamic Programming algorithm with a Memory function to solve the Knapsack problem.
- Perform analysis with different instances (different numbers of items and Capacity, starting with 4 items).
Prim’s Algorithm:
- Implement Prim’s algorithm to find the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph.
- Perform its analysis giving a minimum of 5 graphs with a different number of vertices and edges (starting with 4 vertices).
Dijkstra's Algorithm:
- Implement Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from a given source to all other vertices.
- Perform its analysis giving a minimum of 5 graphs with a different number of vertices and edges (starting with 4 vertices).