A lightweight, super fast, pure javascript event system that works in node and the browser.
Set up a receiver channel....
function callBack(d) {
Signals.receive("change", callBack);
Signals.signaled("change", callBack);
Then transmit it to the receiver(s)...
var payload = "I changed!";
Signals.signal("change", payload);
// I changed!
payload = "I have updates!";
Signals.signal("update", payload);
// I have updates!
Now kill a receiver channel...
Or, drop all channels at once....
Or use it to set up observable objects by using prototypal inheritance...
set up the base class...
function model() {
var ID = null,
slf = this;
this.get = function() {
return slf.ID;
var mdl = model;
inherit from Signals....
mdl.prototype = Signals;
mdl.constructor = model.constructor;
add a new method that emits the signal...
mdl.prototype.set = function(val) {
var slf = this;
if(val && val !== slf.ID) {
slf.ID = val;
slf.signal("change", val);
return slf;
create your observable object....
var Ident = new mdl();
set up the receiver channel....
Ident.receive("change", function(d) {
console.log("change signaled, new ID value: " + d);
assign a value to the ID property....
Ident.set("ABC"); // "change signaled, new ID value: ABC"
voila! the message confirms everything works. Now, check the ID...
var lg = Ident.get();
console.log(lg); // "ABC"
and there ya go the new value is indeed there... try again with another value...
Ident.set(123); // "change signaled, new ID value: 123"
lg = Ident.get();
console.log(lg); // 123
now kill the channels...