Projog provides an implementation of the Prolog programming language for the Java platform. Prolog is a declarative logic programming language where programs are represented as facts and rules.
The following commands will download Projog and start the console:
$ wget
$ jar xvf
$ cd projog-0.4.0
$ chmod u+x
$ ./
When the console has started you can enter the following command:
W=X, X=1+1, Y is W, Z is -W.
Which should generate the following response:
W = 1 + 1
X = 1 + 1
Y = 2
Z = -2
To exit the console type quit.
To include Projog within your project, just add this dependency to your pom.xml
We would be grateful for feedback. If you would like to report a bug, suggest an enhancement or ask a question then please create a new issue.