Automatically refresh token at given time interval using hls.js (uninterrupted video/audio play)
This project shows an example of an uninterrupted token renewal in the hls.js environment.
- Normal hls request without token.
- Automatically updated at every 20 seconds token
- The most important part of the code is below (Overriding pLoader(playlist loader) of hls.js)
const pLoaderAutoRefresh = refreshInterval => {
// let lastRefreshTimestamp =;
let lastRefreshTimestamp = 0;
let lastUrl = '';
return function(config) {
const loader = new Hls.DefaultConfig.loader(config);
this.abort = () => loader.abort();
this.destroy = () => loader.destroy();
this.load = async (context, config, callbacks) => {
let { type, url } = context;
// if play-list request, send original request and return
if(type === 'manifest') {
loader.load(context, config, callbacks);
// then type is 'level' (type when requesting chunk-list)
const msRefreshElsapsed = - lastRefreshTimestamp;
const IS_FIRST_REQUEST = lastRefreshTimestamp === 0;
if(msRefreshElsapsed > refreshInterval || IS_FIRST_REQUEST){
// if time elapsed given refresh interval, request new token and replace it with old token.
try {
const newToken = await getNewToken();
context.url = replaceParam(context.url, 'token', newToken);
loader.load(context, config, callbacks);
lastRefreshTimestamp =;
lastUrl = context.url;
} catch (err) {
// request original request
loader.load(context, config, callbacks);
} else {
context.url = lastUrl !== '' ? lastUrl : context.url;
loader.load(context, config, callbacks);
git clone
use "live server" vscode extension