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Pure Peer-to-Peer Distributed Microblogging System on NAT Transparent Overlay Network


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What is NostrP2P?

Concept and Design

Technical Overview

Difference and Commpon Points with (General) Nostr

  • Difference with (general) Nostr
    • Server (Relay server)
      • Firstly, in NostrP2P, servers communicate with each other on pure peer-to-peer manner. Clients does not
        • This means that NostrP2P has client-server architecture also
      • Servers of NostrP2P are correspond and similar to Relay server of Nostr but these are more distributed and coodinate with each other
      • Servers handle each recieved event data in a different way though these are not special kind one (ex: replacable events) on Nostr because optimization for pure peer-to-peer network architecture is needed
      • Supporse large number of servers because each user of NostrP2P need my server
      • Client can trust server it accesses to
        • This is important for optimization of client's network resource consumption and power consumption
      • Powerful machine is not needed for server because it handles only one user's requests and amount of managing data is not large compred to (general) Nostr
        • If we considered server (Relay server) as a kind of database system, above is obvious
    • Client
      • Almost same role with one of Nostr but its communication protocol between server is little bit different
        • In current plan, transport is REST and data is encoded to binary. Not websocket and Not JSON text
      • Client which is used by User-A only accesses to a server which is managed by the user only
    • In all of design
      • Microbrogging application specific
        • This means architecture and protcorl of NostrP2P is not for general purpose unlike Nostr
          • "Nostr" is a name of architecture and protocol and not name of SNS and Microblogging system
        • In other words, "NostrP2P" is a name of an microblogging system like "Bluesky"
  • Common point with (general) Nostr
    • Data structure of event data is almost same
    • Key pair format and signing method are same
    • Specification like kind number is same if it is for same functionality (at least for now)
    • Functionality realization led by Clients
      • (flexibility may be low compared with general Nostr...)


(General) Nostr Architecture

    RelayServerA <-- ClientX : Raed/Write
    RelayServerA <-- ClientY : Raed/Write    
    RelayServerB <-- ClientX : Raed/Write
    RelayServerB <-- ClientY : Raed/Write
    RelayServerB <-- ClientZ : Raed/Write
    RelayServerC <-- ClientX : Raed/Write    
    RelayServerC <-- ClientZ : Raed/Write
    RelayServerD <-- ClientZ : Raed/Write
    RelayServerD <-- ClientY : Raed/Write

    namespace Internet {
      class RelayServerA{
      class RelayServerB{
      class RelayServerC{
      class RelayServerD{
    class ClientX{

    class ClientY{

    class ClientZ{


NostrP2P Architecture

    ServerA <|--|> ServerB : coodinate
    ServerA <|--|> ServerC : coodinate
    ServerA <|--|> ServerD : coodinate
    ServerB <|--|> ServerC : coodinate
    ServerB <|--|> ServerD : coodinate
    ServerA <-- ClientA : Raed/Write
    ServerB <-- ClientB : Read/Write
    ServerC <-- ClientC : Read/Write
    ServerD <-- ClientD : Read/Write(VPN)
    namespace Internet {
      class ServerA{
      class ServerB{
    namespace NW-C____________ {
      class ServerC{
      class ClientC{
    namespace NW-D______________ {
      class ServerD{
    namespace NW-A {
      class ClientA{
    namespace NW-B_________ {
      class ClientB{
    namespace NW-X_________ {
      class ClientD{      


$ go build -o nostrp2p main.go

NostrP2P Command Usage

  nostrp2p [flags]
  nostrp2p [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command.
  server      Startup server.
  genkey      Generate new key pair.

  -h, --help   Help for NostrP2P
  nostrp2p server [flags]

  -h, --help                         Help for server
  -l, --listen-addr-port    string   Address and port to bind to (default:
  -b, --boot-peer-addr-port string   Address and port of a server which already joined NostrP2P network (optional)
  -p, --public-key          string   Your public key (required)
  -d, --debug               bool     If true, debug log is output to stderr (default: false)



Generate Key Pair

./nostrp2p genkey
Secret Key:
Secret Key (In Hex Representation): 
Public Key:
Public key (In Hex Representation): 

Server Launch

# 4 servers network on local network (4 shells are needed...)
./nostrp2p server  -l -p <public key in npub format>
./nostrp2p server -l -p <public key in npub format> -b
./nostrp2p server -l -p <public key in npub format> -b
./nostrp2p server -l -p <public key in npub format> -b
# 4 servers distributed on different networks

# on network (bind to address/port which is accessible from The Internet)
./nostrp2p server  -l -p <public key in npub format>

# on network (bind to address/port which accessible from The Internet)
./nostrp2p server -l -p <public key in npub format> -b

# on network A (bind to address/port which is NOT accessible from The Internet)
./nostrp2p server -l -p <public key in npub format> -b

# on network B (bind to address/port which is NOT accessible from The Internet)
./nostrp2p server -l -p <public key in npub format> -b

Bootstrap Server

  • Currently, running server which is accessible from The Internet is below
      • this address including port number shoud be specified at launching of your server with -b option
  • These servers don't response to write kind REST API requests from clients. A server for yourself is also needed to use NostrP2P!



Current Implemented Featues on Dedicated NW

Current Implemented Features with Nostr Client (Not NostrP2P Client) Using a Protcol Bridge Server

Roadmap (Server&Client)

  • Messaging on NAT Transparent Overlay Network
  • Posting with Client
  • Reaction
  • Following
  • Mention
  • Reply
  • Quote Repost
  • Repost
  • Server Side Signature Validation
  • Restriction of Memory Usage on Server
  • Data persistence on Server with embedded DB
  • Follower Multicast Mode
    • In this mode, posted messages are not broadcasted and server of follower should register to followee's server
    • If broadcasting design reaches limit of scalability, this mode will be activated
  • Optimization of Communication Data Amount between Client and Server
    • Changing serialization format from JSON Text to MessagePack
      • Format conversion must be needed both side
    • Activate data compression on HTTP layer (gzip, deflate ... etc)
  • Developing More Scalable Overlay Transport
    • Overlay NW with Mesh library may not scale over 100 nodes roughly according to a description at here