In the following case, a nest application with the RabbitMQ microservice integration will freeze when the application has received a message which has a pattern that is not registered within the controller.
RabbitMQ Options:
- prefetchCount: 1
- noAck: false
Before reproduce this problem, 5672
ports should be available on your host.
- you have to run a temprary rabbitmq instance using docker.
$ docker-compose up -d
- Next run the nest js application.
$ yarn install
$ yarn start:dev
- Reproduce
# publish valid event, then check if the valid event is handled.
$ curl -X POST
# publish invalid event, then check if the application output error log such as `There is no matching event handler defined in the remote service. Event pattern: n0tifications`.
$ curl -X POST
# publish valid event again, then check if the valid event is not handled due to the application is keeping to handle invalid event.
$ curl -X POST
If remove commenting out of the handler for handling invalid message in the app.controller.ts
, invalid message will be handled.