Widgets & assets for a lightweight and modular front-end framework UiKit
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer. Just run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist worstinme/yii2-uikit
or add
"worstinme/yii2-uikit": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
For example, including main UiKit css & js files in any view files
Uikit Slideshow widget examples:
- render slideshow from webroot path with images
<?= \worstinme\uikit\widgets\Slideshow::widget(['path' => '/images/somefolder/']) ?>
- render slideshow with custom slides
<?= \worstinme\uikit\widgets\Slideshow::widget(['slides' => [
'<div class="slide">Any content with some <a href="#">button</a> e.g.</div>'
'<div class="pam_pam_slide-two">Another content with some <a href="#">button</a> e.g.</div>'
]); ?>
- render slideshow with overlays
<?= \worstinme\uikit\widgets\Slideshow::widget(['items' => [
['img'=>'/link/to/img.jpg','overlay'=>'Any content with some <a href="#">button</a> e.g.'],
['img'=>'/link/to/img.jpg','overlay'=>'Any content with some <a href="#">button</a> e.g.'],
]); ?>