This is a quick and easy-to-setup hadoop cluster via docker-compose
and environment variables.
The base image is and you can download it and use it directly with docker. It's published at:
You'll need:
Simply run:
docker-compose up --build -d
You'll find 2 containers have been started:
Creating network "hadoop_cluster_default" with the default driver
Creating hadoop_cluster_master_1 ... done
Creating hadoop_cluster_slave_1 ... done
A network of 2 instances capable of running hdfs
and yarn
has been created, only the master instance is running hadoop services
and the slave is simply set up with no running software.
Simply find the hostname of the slave instance by running:
docker exec -it hadoop_cluster_slave_1 /bin/hostname
After that, go inside the master instance by running:
docker exec -it hadoop_cluster_master_1 /bin/bash
You'll have a prompt active for the master instance in which you
can update the slaves
file which defines what other nodes are
available in the network to use as slaves. If you're capable of
using vi simply run:
vi /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/slaves
In there you should add 1 line per slave instance, in this case, it should end up looking like this:
Keep in mind that the master's hostname is master
and that the
slave's hostname is the one that you found out in the first command
of this section.
After doing all this, run this to make both yarn
and hdfs
the possible slaves and start both a nodemanager and a datanode on
each of the slaves instances:
If you've followed all of the steps carefully, you should see 2 datanodes and 2 nodemanagers on these hadoop UI pages:
If you want to add more slaves to the cluster, simply go to your host machine and run:
docker-compose scale slave=2
Simply state the number of slave machines that you need in total, and
then for each, find out their hostnames and add them to the master's
slave configuration file, along with a call to dfs
and yarn