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Can't compile huge struct #81278




use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

/// A trip is a combination of two or more consecutive loads handled by one
/// carrier, usually using the same equipment. A booking will group one ore more
/// ocean containers (modeled as loads) that are being handled by an ocean
/// carrier where all containers on the booking must travel on the same vessel
/// sailing.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE")]
pub struct Trip {
    /// Trip/Booking ID system-assigned ID
    pub trip_id: Decimal,
    /// Optimistic Lock Not in reporting view
    pub opt_lck: Decimal,
    /// Eligible for Trip/Booking Continuation - Current
    pub elgb_cnts_mv_yn: String,
    /// Freight Terms
    pub carr_pymt_terms_enu: Decimal,
    /// Number of Loads
    pub tot_ld_leg: Decimal,
    /// Number of Commodity Hard Committed Loads
    pub num_cdty_cmtd_lds: Decimal,
    /// Commodity Hard Committed
    pub cdty_cmtd_yn: String,
    /// Number of Carrier Hard Committed Loads
    pub num_carr_cmtd_lds: Decimal,
    /// Carrier Hard Committed
    pub carr_cmtd_yn: String,
    /// Service Hard Committed
    pub srvc_cmtd_yn: String,
    /// Number of Service Hard Committed Loads
    pub num_srvc_cmtd_lds: Decimal,
    /// Rating Valid
    pub ratg_vlid_yn: String,
    /// Maximum Number of Shipments
    pub max_num_shpm: Decimal,
    /// Number of Stops
    pub num_stop: Decimal,
    /// Created Date/Time In time zone of system
    pub crtd_dtt: NaiveDateTime,
    /// Logistics Group
    pub lgst_grp_cd: String,
    /// Operational Status Domain 376 used for filtering
    pub cur_optlstat_id: Decimal,
    /// Financial Status Domain 362 used for filtering
    pub cur_fnclstat_id: Decimal,
    /// Far Point Load ID
    pub far_pnt_ld_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Trip Started Date/Time (First Load Shipped) In time zone of first
    /// location
    pub trip_strd_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Rating - Currency
    pub cncy_typ: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Rating - Exchange Rate
    pub echg_rate_prce: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Rating - Cost Center
    pub cost_ctr_typ: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Direct Distance In system distance UOM
    pub drct_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Out of Route Distance In system distance UOM
    pub outofrout_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Loaded Distance In system distance UOM
    pub ldd_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Unloaded Direct Distance Between Loads In system distance UOM
    pub lnst_unldd_leg_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Return to Origin Distance In system distance UOM
    pub ret_to_orig_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Total Distance In system distance UOM
    pub tot_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Unloaded Distance In system distance UOM
    pub tot_unldd_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// In Transit Unloaded Direct Distance In system distance UOM
    pub in_tnst_unldd_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Origin Location Type
    pub frst_shpgpnt_enu: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Origin Location ID
    pub frst_shpg_loc_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Origin Country
    pub frst_ctry_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Origin State/Province
    pub frst_sta_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Origin City
    pub frst_cty_name: Option<String>,
    /// Origin Zip/Postal Code
    pub frst_pstl_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Destination Location Type
    pub last_shpgpnt_enu: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Destination Location ID
    pub last_shpg_loc_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Destination Country
    pub last_ctry_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Destination State/Province
    pub last_sta_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Destination City
    pub last_cty_name: Option<String>,
    /// Destination Zip/Postal Code
    pub last_pstl_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Hours - Elapsed
    pub elpd_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Hours - Maximum Waiting at a Stop
    pub max_wait_at_stop_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Hours - Maximum Waiting Between Loads
    pub max_wait_btwn_lds_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Suspend Reason
    pub sus_rsn_enu: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Far Point Stop ID
    pub far_pnt_stop_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Number of Shipments
    pub tot_num_shpm: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Last Updated Date/Time In time zone of system
    pub updt_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Scheduled Date/Time In time zone of first location
    pub scdd_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Rate Code
    pub rate_id: Option<String>,
    /// Rating - Rate Code Tariff Number
    pub rate_cd_tff_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Service ID
    pub srvc_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Tariff Number
    pub tff_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Created By User ID
    pub crtd_usr_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Last Updated By User ID
    pub updt_usr_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Division
    pub div_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Memo ID
    pub mmo_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Reference Number Qualifier ID
    pub rfrc_num_qlfr_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Commodity Code
    pub cdty_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Load Plan ID
    pub plan_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Carrier ID
    pub carr_cd: Option<String>,
    /// A/P Voucher Run Exception ID
    pub vchr_run_excp_ap_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Optimization Queue ID
    pub opmr_que_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Customer ID
    pub cust_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Bill To Customer ID
    pub bill_to_cust_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Lane Association ID
    pub rout_lane_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Rating - UOM (Imperial vs. Metric)
    pub umsrsys_enu: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Rating - Weight UOM
    pub umsrwgt_enu: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Rating - Length UOM
    pub umsrlen_enu: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Rating - Distance UOM
    pub umsrdist_enu: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Scaled Weight In system weight UOM
    pub max_scld_wgt: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Volume in system volume UOM
    pub max_vol: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Order Value In base system currency
    pub max_odr_val_dlr: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Declared Value In base system currency
    pub max_dcld_val_dlr: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Nominal Weight In system weight UOM
    pub max_nmnl_wgt: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Tare Weight In system weight UOM
    pub max_tot_tare_wgt: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Maximum Number of Pieces
    pub max_tot_pce: Option<f64>,
    /// Maximum Number of Pallets
    pub max_tot_skid: Option<f64>,
    /// Maximum Laden Length In system length UOM
    pub max_ldn_len: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Scaled Weight In system weight UOM
    pub tot_scld_wgt: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Volume in system volume UOM
    pub tot_vol: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Order Value In base system currency
    pub tot_odr_val_dlr: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Declared Value In base system currency
    pub tot_dcld_val_dlr: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Nominal Weight In system weight UOM
    pub tot_nmnl_wgt: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Tare Weight In system weight UOM
    pub tot_tot_tare_wgt: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Number of Pieces
    pub tot_tot_pce: Option<f64>,
    /// Number of Pallets
    pub tot_tot_skid: Option<f64>,
    /// Laden Length In system length UOM
    pub tot_ldn_len: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Current Operational Status
    pub cur_optl_stat_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Current Financial Status
    pub cur_fncl_stat_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Rating - Rate Shop Reason
    pub rshp_rsn_cd_typ: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Entries in Operational Transition Movement List
    pub op_lst_non_emty_yn: String,
    /// Hours - Driving
    pub driving_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Hours - Waiting
    pub tot_waiting_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Hours - On Duty
    pub on_duty_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Hours - Off Duty
    pub off_duty_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Hours - Loading
    pub loading_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Hours - Unloading
    pub unloading_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Origin Location Name
    pub frst_shpg_loc_name: Option<String>,
    /// Destination Location Name
    pub last_shpg_loc_name: Option<String>,
    /// Number of Soft Committed Loads
    pub num_carr_soft_cmtd_lds: f64,
    /// Number of Loads with Commitment Overridden
    pub num_srvc_soft_cmtd_lds: Option<f64>,
    /// Number of Primary Stops
    pub num_pmy_stop: f64,
    /// Distance Engine ID
    pub extl_egin_ver_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Last Rated Tariff Number
    pub last_ratd_tff_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Weekend / Holiday Break Time
    pub wknd_hldy_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Scheduling Active
    pub schd_actv_yn: String,
    /// First Address ID
    pub frst_addr_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Last Address ID
    pub last_addr_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Shipment Consolidation Class
    pub csld_cls: Option<String>,
    /// Tractor Domicile ID
    pub dmcl_cd_trctr: Option<String>,
    /// Tractor Domicile Hard Committed
    pub dmcl_trctr_cmtd_yn: String,
    /// Tractor Equipment Type Committed
    pub eqmt_trctr_cmtd_yn: String,
    /// Tractor Equipment Type ID
    pub eqmt_typ_cd_trctr: Option<String>,
    /// Number of Tractor Domicile Hard Committed Loads
    pub num_dmcl_trctr_cmtd_lds: Option<f64>,
    /// Number of Tractor Equipment Type Hard Committed Loads
    pub num_eqmt_trctr_cmtd_lds: Option<f64>,
    /// Repositioning Distance
    pub tot_reps_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// In Transit Unloaded Distance
    pub in_tnst_unldd_tot_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Unloaded Distance (No Trailer)
    pub trctr_unldd_dist: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Tender Request ID
    pub tdr_req_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Extended Weight/Distance
    pub wgt_dist_extd: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Trip Savings Amount Computed
    pub trip_mrgn_yn: String,
    /// Trip Savings Amount
    pub trip_mrgn_dlr: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Trip Savings Percentage
    pub trip_mrgn_pct: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Trip Savings per Hour
    pub trip_mrgn_per_hour_dlr: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Total Individual Load Costs
    pub tot_ld_cost_dlr: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Effective Rating Date Populated by Rating
    pub efct_ratg_dt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Reference Number
    pub rfrc_num: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number ID
    pub rfrc_num_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Booking Transit Mode
    pub tnst_md_enu: Decimal,
    /// Vessel Arrival Date/Time In time zone of vessel arrival location
    pub vesl_arvl_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Vessel Departure Date/Time In time zone of vessel departure location
    pub vesl_dptr_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Vessel
    pub vesl: Option<String>,
    /// Voyage Number
    pub voyg_num: Option<String>,
    /// Booking Service Type
    pub bkg_srvc_typ_enu: Decimal,
    /// Vessel Departure Location ID
    pub dptr_shpg_loc_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Vessel Arrival Location ID
    pub arvl_shpg_loc_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Vessel Departure Location Type
    pub dptr_shpgpnt_enu: Decimal,
    /// Vessel Arrival Location Type
    pub arvl_shpgpnt_enu: Decimal,
    /// Shipping Instruction Date/Time In time zone of vessel departure location
    pub shpg_inst_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Container Yard Date/Time In time zone of vessel departure location
    pub cntr_yard_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Latest In-Gate Date/Time In time zone of vessel departure location
    pub ltst_ingt_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Trip Entity Type
    pub trip_typ_enu: Decimal,
    /// Reference Number 1
    pub rfrc_num1: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 2
    pub rfrc_num2: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 3
    pub rfrc_num3: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 4
    pub rfrc_num4: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 5
    pub rfrc_num5: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 6
    pub rfrc_num6: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 7
    pub rfrc_num7: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 8
    pub rfrc_num8: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 9
    pub rfrc_num9: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 10
    pub rfrc_num10: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 11
    pub rfrc_num11: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 12
    pub rfrc_num12: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 13
    pub rfrc_num13: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 14
    pub rfrc_num14: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 15
    pub rfrc_num15: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 16
    pub rfrc_num16: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 17
    pub rfrc_num17: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 18
    pub rfrc_num18: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 19
    pub rfrc_num19: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 20
    pub rfrc_num20: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number Visibility Configuration Version ID
    pub rfrc_num_vbty_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Number of Primary Schedule Hard Committed Loads
    pub num_pmy_schd_cmtd_lds: Decimal,
    /// Primary Schedule Hard Committed
    pub pmy_schd_cmtd_yn: String,
    /// Trip/Booking Source
    pub src_enu: f64,
    /// Eligible for Trip/Booking Continuation - Override
    pub elgb_cnts_mv_enu: Decimal,
    /// Related Vessel
    pub rlat_vesl: Option<String>,
    /// Related Voyage Number
    pub rlat_voyg_num: Option<String>,
    /// Related Vessel Departure Date/Time In time zone of related departure location
    pub rlat_vesl_dptr_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Related Vessel Departure Location ID
    pub rlat_dptr_shpg_loc_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Related Vessel Departure Location Type
    pub rlat_dptr_shpgpnt_enu: Decimal,
    /// Apply Resource Constraints Default: 'T'
    pub aply_rsrc_cstr_yn: String,
    /// Include In Resource Usage Count Default: 'T'
    pub incl_rsrc_usg_cnt_yn: String,
    /// First Tender Issued Default: 'F'
    pub frst_tdr_isud_yn: String,
    /// Resource Project ID Default: 0
    pub rsrc_prj_typ: f64,
    /// TP Information
    pub tp_adtn_info: Option<String>,
    /// Booking Revision in Process Default: 'F'
    pub bkg_rvi_proc_yn: String,
    /// Gross Rated Amount Default: 0
    pub tot_sys_calc_amt_dlr: Decimal,
    /// Surcharge/Discount Default: 0
    pub tot_dsct_amt_dlr: Decimal,
    /// Total Freight Charge Default: 0
    pub tot_chgd_amt_dlr: Decimal,
    /// Additional Charge Amount Default: 0
    pub tot_adtn_chrg_dlr: Decimal,
    /// Pre-Purchased Amount Default: 0
    pub tot_precsld_amt_dlr: Decimal,
    /// FEU Factor Default: 0
    pub tot_feu_rsrc_fctr: Decimal,
    /// Number of Diverted Loads Default: 0
    pub tot_dvtd_ld_leg: Decimal,
    /// Carrier Tender Contact ID
    pub carrldtdr_cntc_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Sender Tender Contact ID
    pub sndrldtdr_cntc_id: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Tender Response Required By Date/Time In time zone of system
    pub tdr_rsps_by_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Reference Number 21
    pub rfrc_num21: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 22
    pub rfrc_num22: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 23
    pub rfrc_num23: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 24
    pub rfrc_num24: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 25
    pub rfrc_num25: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 26
    pub rfrc_num26: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 27
    pub rfrc_num27: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 28
    pub rfrc_num28: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 29
    pub rfrc_num29: Option<String>,
    /// Reference Number 30
    pub rfrc_num30: Option<String>,
    /// Carrier Tender Contact Name
    pub carrldtdrcntc_name: Option<String>,
    /// Sender Tender Contact Name
    pub sndrldtdrcntc_name: Option<String>,
    /// Number of Driver Assignments Default: 0
    pub num_drvr_assn: Decimal,
    /// Execution Mode Elapsed Time
    pub exec_elpd_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Hours - Maximum Waiting Between Loads
    pub exec_max_wait_btwn_lds_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Maximum Waiting Time at a Stop
    pub exec_max_wait_at_stop_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Driving Time
    pub exec_tot_driving_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Loading Time
    pub exec_tot_loading_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Off Duty Hours
    pub exec_tot_off_duty_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode On Duty Hours
    pub exec_tot_on_duty_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Unloading Time
    pub exec_tot_unloading_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Waiting Time
    pub exec_tot_wait_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Execution Mode Weekend / Holiday Break
    pub exec_wknd_hldy_hrs: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Trip/Booking Rating - Last Rated Date/Time In system time zone
    pub ratd_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Routing - Destination Zone/Hub could link to either ZN_T.ZN_CD or
    pub rutd_dest_zn_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Routing - Origin Zone/Hub could link to either ZN_T.ZN_CD or
    pub rutd_ori_zn_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Rescheduling Recommended
    pub web_schd_rrs_reqd_yn: String,
    /// Booking Revision RR&S Bypass Flag
    pub bkg_rvi_byp_rrs_yn: Option<String>,
    /// Total Equipment Tare Weight
    pub tot_eqmt_tare_wgt: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Vessel Tracking ID 1
    pub vesl_trkg_id_1: Option<String>,
    /// Vessel Tracking ID 2
    pub vesl_trkg_id_2: Option<String>,
    /// External Service Type
    pub extl_srvc_typ_cd: Option<String>,
    /// Number of Violations
    pub num_soft_viol: f64,
    /// Last Rating Attempt Date/Time
    pub last_ratd_dtt: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
    /// Maximum Flexible Quantity 1 Maximums used for Routing Constraints
    pub max_flex_qnty1: Option<f64>,
    /// Maximum Flexible Quantity 2 Maximums used for Routing Constraints
    pub max_flex_qnty2: Option<f64>,
    /// Maximum Flexible Quantity 3 Maximums used for Routing Constraints
    pub max_flex_qnty3: Option<f64>,
    /// Maximum Flexible Quantity 4 Maximums used for Routing Constraints
    pub max_flex_qnty4: Option<f64>,
    /// Maximum Flexible Quantity 5 Maximums used for Routing Constraints
    pub max_flex_qnty5: Option<f64>,
    /// Flexible Quantity 1
    pub tot_flex_qnty1: Option<f64>,
    /// Flexible Quantity 2
    pub tot_flex_qnty2: Option<f64>,
    /// Flexible Quantity 3
    pub tot_flex_qnty3: Option<f64>,
    /// Flexible Quantity 4
    pub tot_flex_qnty4: Option<f64>,
    /// Flexible Quantity 5
    pub tot_flex_qnty5: Option<f64>,
    /// Execution Mode Scheduling Status Default: 1 (ineligible)
    pub exec_schd_stat_enu: Decimal,
    /// Execution Scheduling Overridden Default 'F'
    pub exec_schd_ovrd_yn: String,
    /// Tariff Restrictions Overridden Default 'F'
    pub tff_rstc_ovrd_yn: String,
} // struct Trip


rustc --version --verbose:

rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29)
binary: rustc
commit-hash: e1884a8e3c3e813aada8254edfa120e85bf5ffca
commit-date: 2020-12-29
host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
release: 1.49.0

Error output

thread 'rustc' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `11712`,
 right: `5089`', /rustc/e1884a8e3c3e813aada8254edfa120e85bf5ffca\compiler\rustc_middle\src\ty\query\
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

error: internal compiler error: unexpected panic

note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.

note: we would appreciate a bug report:

note: rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29) running on x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

note: compiler flags: -C embed-bitcode=no -C debuginfo=2 -C incremental --crate-type bin

note: some of the compiler flags provided by cargo are hidden

query stack during panic:
#0 [codegen_fn_attrs] computing codegen attributes of `command_line::_::_serde::Serialize::serialize`
#1 [codegen_fn_attrs] computing codegen attributes of `table::tms_trip_t::_::<impl command_line::_::_serde::Serialize for table::tms_trip_t::Trip>::serialize`
end of query stack
error: could not compile `x4m`

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.


thread 'rustc' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `11712`,
 right: `5089`', /rustc/e1884a8e3c3e813aada8254edfa120e85bf5ffca\compiler\rustc_middle\src\ty\query\
stack backtrace:
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

error: internal compiler error: unexpected panic

note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.

note: we would appreciate a bug report:

note: rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29) running on x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

note: compiler flags: -C embed-bitcode=no -C debuginfo=2 -C incremental --crate-type bin

note: some of the compiler flags provided by cargo are hidden

query stack during panic:
#0 [codegen_fn_attrs] computing codegen attributes of `command_line::_::_serde::Serialize::serialize`
#1 [codegen_fn_attrs] computing codegen attributes of `table::tms_trip_t::_::<impl command_line::_::_serde::Serialize for table::tms_trip_t::Trip>::serialize`
#2 [check_mod_attrs] checking attributes in module `table::tms_trip_t`
#3 [analysis] running analysis passes on this crate
end of query stack
error: could not compile `x4m`

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    A-incr-compArea: Incremental compilationA-layoutArea: Memory layout of typesC-bugCategory: This is a bug.I-ICEIssue: The compiler panicked, giving an Internal Compilation Error (ICE) ❄️T-compilerRelevant to the compiler team, which will review and decide on the PR/issue.


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