opened on Jan 11, 2018
The set of import libraries that Rust bundles should strictly be what is needed to link against the libraries that come with the Rust distribution. Missing an import library causes link errors while including unnecessary import libraries bloats the distribution.
Library | Necessary |
libadvapi32.a | Yes |
libbcrypt.a | No |
libcomctl32.a | No |
libcomdlg32.a | No |
libcredui.a | Yes and missing! |
libcrypt32.a | No |
libdbghelp.a | Yes |
libgdi32.a | Yes |
libimagehlp.a | No |
libiphlpapi.a | No |
libkernel32.a | Yes |
libmsimg32.a | Yes |
libmsvcrt.a | Yes |
libodbc32.a | No |
libole32.a | No |
liboleaut32.a | No |
libopengl32.a | Yes |
libpsapi.a | Yes |
librpcrt4.a | No |
libsecur32.a | Yes and missing! |
libsetupapi.a | Yes |
libshell32.a | Yes |
libuser32.a | Yes |
libuserenv.a | Yes |
libuuid.a | No |
libwinhttp.a | No |
libwinmm.a | No |
libwinspool.a | Yes |
libws2_32.a | Yes |
libwsock32.a | No |
Area: linking into static, shared libraries and binariesCategory: An issue proposing an enhancement or a PR with one.Toolchain: GNU, Operating system: WindowsRelevant to the bootstrap subteam: Rust's build system ( and src/bootstrap)Relevant to the compiler team, which will review and decide on the PR/issue.