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How box should work #413



We need to come up with a final design for how the box operator should work.

Here is what I personally think would be ideal; unfortunately it involves features which are not yet part of the language.

// just to avoid a name clash with existing `Box`, otherwise the name is up for grabs
trait MakeBox {
    type Where = ();
    fn make_box<'s, T>(self: &'s out Self<T>, wherein: Where) -> &'s out T;

The box operator would desugar to a call to make_box (see below). If a value-level argument is required to specify where the box should be allocated, such as for arenas (i.e. box(here) val syntax), its type is specified by the Where associated type. Most of the time this defaults to (). MakeBox itself is a higher-kinded trait, implemented for the generic box type itself. (So if you have impl MakeBox for SomeBox, val: T, then e.g. box val: SomeBox<T>.)

make_box relies on &out references such as described by RFC PR 98 (see also the comments), which is a reference type which points to an uninitialized value and represents the obligation to initialize it. make_box takes as argument the obligation to initialize a box, e.g. a SomeBox<T>, allocates the box itself, and returns to the caller the obligation to initialize the contained value.

We would have impls such as:

impl MakeBox for Box { ... }
impl MakeBox for Rc  { ... }
impl MakeBox for Gc  { ... }

struct Arena { ... }
struct ArenaRef<'s, T> { ... }

impl<'s> MakeBox for ArenaRef<'s, ..> { // partial type application
    type Where = &'s mut Arena;

Given an expression:

box(here) foo
  • The type of the resulting box is determined by inference (as with e.g. from_string()).
  • The type of the expression is SomeBox<Foo>, where foo: Foo, SomeBox: MakeBox, and here: <SomeBox as MakeBox>::Where.
  • If here is omitted, it defaults to (), so box foo becomes box(()) foo.
  • If it is unconstrained, the box type could potentially default to Box.
  • To specify the desired box type manually, when it can't be inferred from the context, use type ascription and a type wildcard. Currently, this means e.g. let rc_foo: Rc<_> = box foo;. When we gain general type ascription syntax, it could instead be box foo: Rc<_>. (In each case the result type is Rc<Foo>.)

This latter point is why it is important for the trait to be higher-kinded. If the trait is higher-kinded, it is sufficient to annotate the outer type (the box type), and the type argument can be inferred, because it is the same as the type of the value being boxed. If MakeBox were formulated using an associated type instead, as e.g. Deref, then the type ascription would be required to specify the full type, including the type of the contained value.

Finally, given the above expression:

box(here) foo

This would desugar to:

    let the_box;
    *the_box.make_box(here) = foo;

The second line initializes the_box using make_box, and then initializes the contained value with foo. (foo here is an arbitrary expression, not necessarily a variable.)



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    A-allocationProposals relating to allocation.A-expressionsTerm language related proposals & ideasA-operatorOperators related proposals.A-placement-newProposals relating to placement new / box expressions.A-traits-libstdStandard library trait related proposals & ideasA-uninit&uninit related proposals & ideasT-langRelevant to the language team, which will review and decide on the RFC.


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