Currently, the search path for .cargo/config
files is dependent on the current working directory at the time when cargo is executed. I find this behavior very surprising: I would expect that cargo at least always reads the .cargo/config
file at the root of the project it builds.
It is important to note though that for some applications, this is probably the right thing to do (for example, cargo new does not have any associated project root to work with).
$ cargo build --manifest-path foo/Cargo.toml # will not read foo/.cargo/config
$ cargo build -p foo # in a workspace with foo, will not read foo's .cargo/config
Test case demonstrating the problem
fn search_config_relative_to_project_root() {
let foo = project("foo")
.file("Cargo.toml", r#"
name = "foo"
authors = []
version = "0.0.0"
build = ""
.file("src/", "")
.file("", r#"
use std::env;
fn main() {
if env::var("NUM_JOBS").unwrap() == "5673" {
panic!("Config value `jobs` taken from config file located in working directory \
and not from the config file at foo's project root.");
if env::var("NUM_JOBS").unwrap() != "2423" {
panic!("Config value `jobs` not taken from config file located at foo's project root \
but config file in working directory was not read either.");
.file(".cargo/config", r#"
jobs = 2423
let bar = project("bar")
.file(".cargo/config", r#"
jobs = 5673