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This script takes in a configuration file and username/password to download reports from SQL Reporting Services to a shared location
This project came about because I often have people ask me for a bunch of reports. Rather than run each one by hand, which involves a lot of clicking, I created this script to iterate through a list of parameters and run the reports for me.
python ssrs_batch.py [username] [optional: config file] [optional: password]
if you don't input a configuration file path it will default to "config.json". If you don't input a password, you will be prompted to enter it securely (no terminal echo)
You need the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime installed on the build machine. The necessary DLL is copied to the output.
For installed python:
- Type the build command (below)
- Open the winpython folder.
- Start the command prompt from the WinPython folder shortcut "WinPython Command Prompt.exe"
- Type the build command (below)
To build this project into an Executable (.exe)
python setup.py build