From faec3a50ea181f322ab9819975e285ced34a0308 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jochen Eisinger Document
containing the hyperlink, destination is "subresource
credentials mode is "include
", and whose use-URL-credentials flag is set.
", and whose use-URL-credentials flag is set.
Let target URL is the resulting URL string obtained from HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils {
These headers should be subject to Referrer
- Policy.Ping-From
` header
with, as its value, the address of the document
containing the hyperlink, and a `Ping-To
` HTTP header with,
- as its value, the target URL. request's referrer must be "no-referrer
- Ping-From
` header with
- the same value, and a `Ping-To
` HTTP header with, as its
- value, target URL.Ping-From
+ header with the address of the document containing
+ the hyperlink as its value, and a `Ping-To
` HTTP header
+ with, as its value, target URL.Ping-To
` HTTP header
- with, as its value, target URL. request's referrer must be "no-referrer
- request does not include a `Ping-From
` header.Ping-From
` header.
Fetch request.