- Project hosted on AWS
- Two Jenkins pipelines for Continuous Integration and Continuos Deployment
- First pipeline deploys cluster with CloudFormation
- Second pipeline pull and build Docker image and deployed on Kubernetes
Step 1: Authenticate on AWS
Step 2: Create the Kubernetes cluster
Step 3: Create the configuration file for the cluster
Step 1: Code Linting
Step 2: Build the Docker Image
Step 3: Upload Docker Image to Docker Hub
Step 4: Set current Kubectl context to the previously created cluster
Step 5: Create the blue controller with the Docker Image
Step 6: Create the green controller with the Docker Image
Step 7: Create the load balancer in the Kubernetes cluster to route the traffic on the blue controller
Step 8: For testing purposes, ask user to redirect the traffic manually to the green controller
Step 9: Traffic redirected to the green controller. Blue/Green deployment working.
Clone the project
Create the first pipeline in Jenkins and run it. Note the cluster ID.
Create the second pipeline in Jenkins using the cluster ID and run it.