Lunchpad is a Macro application that makes use of Novation(tm) Launchpads. However you dont need one to use this application.
You can create a variety of macros, from simple playback of sounds (hello soundboard ppl) on a target audio device, hotkey sequences, launching applications (or python, autohotkey, nodejs scripts) or Text-To-Speech alot of stuff is possible.
- Launchpad Mini (MK1, MK2 and MK3)
- Launchpad S
- Launchpad MK2
- Launchpad X
- Launchpad Pro MK2
- Launchpad Pro MK3
OBS Studio integration through the Websocket-Plugin
- Switch scenes
- Toggle sources (Visible / Hidden)
- Toggle filter (Enabled / Disabled)
- Set a sources volume or mute it
- Start / stop recording, streaming or your replay buffer
- Save your replay buffer after a cool play
SL:OBS integration is still on the list and will arrive soon
This project was generated using Nx.
To get up and running this is all you need:
npm install -g @nrwl/nx
npm install
npm run ./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild
Then start the development environment
npm start frontend & npm start application
If you need any assist feel free to join the discord
LICENCE ISC - Tillmann Hübner (@ruohki)