A tool that leverages Helm app lifecycle management to deploy RAW k8s manifests.
You need to mount the following volumes
A valid
The k8s
file with the manifest to apply under/workspace
Assuming that the manifest that we want to apply sits in the current working directory, the docker command would look something like this:
docker run -v $HOME/.kube/config:/root/kubeconfig -v $PWD:/workspace ruizink/helmctl:latest
To make things less verbose, we will start by creating an alias:
alias helmctl='docker run --rm -v $HOME/.kube/config:/root/kubeconfig -v $PWD:/workspace ruizink/helmctl:latest'
After that we can use the tool just like a native binary by simply running helmctl
You can see below the help message and the list of accepted arguments:
helmctl --help
Usage: helmctl <action> -n|--namespace <arg> -f|--filename <arg> -N|--app-name <arg> [-V|--app-version <arg>] [-t|--timeout <arg>] [-d|--debug <arg>] [-h|--help]
<action> action to perform (options: 'apply')
-n, --namespace string namespace scope for this action
-f, --filename string path of the base k8s filename file for this action
-N, --app-name string the name of the deployment
-V, --app-version string (optional) the version description of the deployment
-t, --timeout int (optional) timeout in seconds (default: 300)
--dry-run (optional) do not apply changes, show only the diff
--debug (optional) enable debug messages
-h, --help prints help
Let's deploy a manifest.yaml
to our cluster. This will deploy the resources defined in the manifest file under the myapp-namespace
namespace and it will name this release myapp
helmctl apply -f manifest.yaml -n myapp-namespace --app-name myapp
The tool will print a diff between the currently deployed state and the manifest.yaml
Following that, the tool will create a Helm release.
You can check the Helm release status with the following command (check here on how to install Helm):
helm history -n myapp-namespace myapp
1 Wed Mar 25 21:46:08 2020 deployed helmctl-0.1.0 0.0.0 Install complete
Since this tool produces essentially a Helm release, you can manage the life-cycle of the release using Helm.