Collection of Python classes and scripts to operate with MariaDB servers.
Some dependencies are required in order to run the scripts and the tests. The easiest way to work is by using a virtualenv:
tox --no-test
tox -e venv -- <some command>
Tests are located under wmfmariadbpy/test. They are split between unit and integration tests. To run unit tests:
tox -e unit
In order to be able to to run the tests you'll need to be able to run the script localy. You'll need to have:
- A .my.cnf file with the proper configuration
- A MariaDB listening on localhost:3306
- pt-online-schema-change script on your PATH
tox -e integration
To run the unit and integration tests and generate a HTML coverage report under cover/
tox -e cover
To check the code style compliance:
tox -e flake8
Only is included on the setup for now, so the rest of them can be run directly. As for the easiest is to run it via the virtualenv venv
tox -e venv -- osc_host --method=ddl --host=localhost --db=test --table=test "add column test int"