A Flutter project to create an android app for Khela Ghar Montessory School admin use. (not yet realesed at play store)
The technical details are presented below the screen shots of the app.
The app provides the following options to manage the school's student records, classwise online study materials (notes, pictures, videos and audio) and wesite events.
- Login and Home screen
- Wesite events @ Khela Ghar Montessory School Website
- School classes and it's classwise online study materials (notes, pictures, videos and audio) @ Khela Ghar Montessory Study App
- School's student record management system
The app is using two different cloud services as follows
- Firebase (Firestore, Storage) to manage the school's class online study and website's events.
- Deta (Base, Micro) to manage the school's student record system.
The server side node.js app running on Deta Micro using Deta Base is here.
The third party api used are as follows
- Email validator
- Shared preferences
- File picker
- Cached network image
- Provider
- Oauth2 client
- DateTime picker
- Path provider
- Sound recorder
- Dot Env
- Charts
- Youtube api v3
- Youtube player
contact @ rudrajit.basu@gmail.com or rbasu.linux@gmail.com.