I've noticed what appears to be inconsistent behavior with URI(my_uri). I tried reading the RFCs that URI is based on to understand if this was by design (but I couldn't parse the RFC all that well).
If I run URI("*")
I get the following error:
URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?): "*"
from /Users/jessrudder/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/lib/ruby/3.1.0/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb:67:in `split'
If I keep the wildcard and the port but add a scheme, I get the behavior I expected URI("http://*")
scheme: "http"
userinfo: nil
host: "*"
port: 5555
path: ""
If I don't have the wildcard domain or a scheme, it appears to work but not all methods respond as expected URI("")
scheme: ""
user_info: nil
host: nil
port: nil
path: nil
If I remove the port and don't have a scheme, it appears to work but not all methods respond as expected URI("*")
scheme: nil
userinfo: nil
host: nil
port: nil
path: "*"
I'd be happy to try to work on a PR but wanted to confirm that this behavior was incorrect before I did that. Thanks!