This Work In Progress is the third evolution of MiniEngine, the previous two iterations, located here, were based on MonoGame. But in the end I found this framework too limiting.
In this repository I'm working on a version of MiniEngine that builds directly on DirectX 11, using the excellent C# bindings from Vortice.Windows. This allows me to use all the modern DirectX and .NET 6 features and write my own content management system that allows hot-reloading. As well working around some other idiosyncrasies that have crept into MonoGame.
For now I'm working on the basics, a light abstraction around DirectX to make it easier to work with. Dependency Injection, logging, and the all important content management. After that I will port most of the features over from the previous version of MiniEngine.
This project makes heavy use of git submodules. After pulling make sure to run git submodule update --init --recursive