diff --git a/vignettes/Using_GSODR.Rmd b/vignettes/GSODR.Rmd similarity index 100% rename from vignettes/Using_GSODR.Rmd rename to vignettes/GSODR.Rmd diff --git a/vignettes/GSODR.html b/vignettes/GSODR.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c77401a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vignettes/GSODR.html @@ -0,0 +1,654 @@ + + +
+ + +An R package that provides a function that automates downloading and +cleaning data from the Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) +data provided by the US National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Stations +are individually checked for number of missing days to assure data +quality, those stations with too many missing observations as defined by the +user are omitted. All units are converted to International System of Units (SI), +e.g., inches to millimetres and Fahrenheit to Celsius. Output is saved as a +Comma Separated Value (CSV) file or in a spatial GeoPackage (GPKG) file, +implemented by most major GIS software, summarising each year by station, which +also includes vapour pressure and relative humidity variables calculated from +existing data in GSOD.
+ +This package was largely based on Tomislav Hengl's work, +getGSOD.R +in “A Practical Guide to Geostatistical Mapping”, +with updates for speed, cross-platform functionality, and more options for data +retrieval and error correction.
+ +For more information see the description of the data provided by NCDC, +http://www7.ncdc.noaa.gov/CDO/GSOD_DESC.txt.
+ +library(GSODR)
+The get_GSOD()
function automatically fetches the most recent station data
+from the NCDC website and removes stations that are missing data (as shown
+below). Using this data we can plot the station locations that are included in
+GSOD that provide valid geo-locations after cleaning.
GSOD_stations <- readr::read_csv(
+ "ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/noaa/isd-history.csv",
+ col_types = "ccccccddddd",
+ col_names = c("USAF", "WBAN", "STN_NAME", "CTRY", "STATE", "CALL",
+ "LAT", "LON", "ELEV_M", "BEGIN", "END"), skip = 1)
+ GSOD_stations[GSOD_stations == -999.9] <- NA
+ GSOD_stations[GSOD_stations == -999] <- NA
+ GSOD_stations <- GSOD_stations[!is.na(GSOD_stations$LAT) &
+ !is.na(GSOD_stations$LON), ]
+ GSOD_stations <- GSOD_stations[GSOD_stations$LAT != 0 &
+ GSOD_stations$LON != 0, ]
+ GSOD_stations <- GSOD_stations[GSOD_stations$LAT > -90 &
+ GSOD_stations$LAT < 90, ]
+ GSOD_stations <- GSOD_stations[GSOD_stations$LON > -180 &
+ GSOD_stations$LON < 180, ]
+ GSOD_stations$STNID <- as.character(paste(GSOD_stations$USAF,
+ GSOD_stations$WBAN, sep = "-"))
+ SRTM_GSOD_elevation <- data.table::setkey(GSODR::SRTM_GSOD_elevation, STNID)
+ data.table::setDT(GSOD_stations)
+ data.table::setkey(GSOD_stations, STNID)
+ GSOD_stations <- GSOD_stations[SRTM_GSOD_elevation, on = "STNID"]
+ GSOD_stations <- GSOD_stations[!is.na(GSOD_stations$LAT), ]
+ GSOD_stations <- GSOD_stations[!is.na(GSOD_stations$LON), ]
+Using ggplot2 and the +ggalt package it is possible to plot +the station locations using alpha transparency to see the densest part of the +network and use the Robinson projection for the map.
+ +“{r +library(ggplot2) +library(ggalt)
+ +ggplot(GSOD_stations, aes(x = LON, y = LAT)) + + geom_point(alpha = 0.1) + + coord_proj(”+proj=robin +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") + + theme_bw()
+ +
+## Find Stations in Australia
+GSODR provides lists of weather station locations and elevation values. Using
+[dplyr](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dplyr), we can find all the stations
+in Australia.
+station_locations <- left_join(GSOD_stations, GSODR::GSOD_country_list,
+ by = c("CTRY" = "FIPS"))
+# create data.frame for Australia only
+Oz <- filter(station_locations, COUNTRY_NAME == "AUSTRALIA")
+#> 1 695023 99999 HORN ISLAND (HID) AS <NA> KQXC -10.583 142.300
+#> 2 749430 99999 AIDELAIDE RIVER SE AS <NA> <NA> -13.300 131.133
+#> 3 749432 99999 BATCHELOR FIELD AUSTRALIA AS <NA> <NA> -13.049 131.066
+#> 4 749438 99999 IRON RANGE AUSTRALIA AS <NA> <NA> -12.700 143.300
+#> 5 749439 99999 MAREEBA AS/HOEVETT FIELD AS <NA> <NA> -17.050 145.400
+#> 6 749440 99999 REID EAST AS <NA> <NA> -19.767 146.850
+#> 1 NA 19420804 20030816 695023-99999 24 AUSTRALIA AU
+#> 2 131 19430228 19440821 749430-99999 96 AUSTRALIA AU
+#> 3 107 19421231 19430610 749432-99999 83 AUSTRALIA AU
+#> 4 18 19420917 19440930 749438-99999 63 AUSTRALIA AU
+#> 5 443 19420630 19440630 749439-99999 449 AUSTRALIA AU
+#> 6 122 19421012 19430405 749440-99999 75 AUSTRALIA AU
+#> iso3c
+#> 1 AUS
+#> 2 AUS
+#> 3 AUS
+#> 4 AUS
+#> 5 AUS
+#> 6 AUS
+filter(Oz, STN_NAME == "TOOWOOMBA")
+#> 1 945510 99999 TOOWOOMBA AS <NA> <NA> -27.583 151.933 676 19561231
+#> 1 20120503 945510-99999 670 AUSTRALIA AU AUS
Function in GSODR to Download a Single Station andYear
+ +Download weather data from the station Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia for 2010
+and save it in the user's home directory using the STNID in the station
+parameter of get_GSOD()
get_GSOD(years = 2010, station = "955510-99999", dsn = "~/",
+ filename = "Toowoomba_Airport")
+Using the nearest_stations()
function, you can find stations closest to a
+given point specified by latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. This can be
+used to generate a vector to pass along to get_GSOD()
and download the
+stations of interest.
There are missing stations in this query. Not all that are listed and queried +actually have files on the server.
+ +tbar_stations <- nearest_stations(LAT = -27.5598, LON = 151.9507, distance = 50)
+tbar_stations <- tbar_stations$STNID
+get_GSOD(years = 2010, station = tbar_stations, dsn = "~/",
+ filename = "Toowoomba_50km_2010")
+If you wished to drop the stations, 949999-00170 and 949999-00183 from the +query, you could do this.
+ +remove <- c("949999-00170", "949999-00183")
+tbar_stations <- tbar_stations[!tbar_stations %in% remove]
+get_GSOD(years = 2010, station = tbar_stations, dsn = "~/",
+ filename = "Toowoomba_50km")
+Using the first data downloaded for a single station, 955510-99999, plot the
+temperature for 2010, setting the “-9999” value to NA on import using
from Hadley's readr
+# Import the data for Toowoomba previously downloaded and cleaned
+tbar <- read_csv("~/Toowoomba_Airport-2010.csv", na = "-9999")
+#> Parsed with column specification:
+#> cols(
+#> .default = col_double(),
+#> USAF = col_integer(),
+#> WBAN = col_integer(),
+#> STNID = col_character(),
+#> STN_NAME = col_character(),
+#> CTRY = col_character(),
+#> STATE = col_character(),
+#> CALL = col_character(),
+#> YEARMODA = col_integer(),
+#> YEAR = col_integer(),
+#> MONTH = col_character(),
+#> DAY = col_character(),
+#> TEMP_CNT = col_integer(),
+#> DEWP_CNT = col_integer(),
+#> SLP_CNT = col_integer(),
+#> STP_CNT = col_integer(),
+#> VISIB_CNT = col_integer(),
+#> WDSP_CNT = col_integer(),
+#> MAX_FLAG = col_character(),
+#> MIN_FLAG = col_character(),
+#> PRCP_FLAG = col_character()
+#> # ... with 6 more columns
+#> )
+#> See spec(...) for full column specifications.
+# Create a dataframe of just the date and temperature values that we want to
+# plot
+tbar_temps <- tbar[, c(14, 19, 33, 35)]
+# Gather the data from wide to long
+tbar_temps <- gather(tbar_temps, Measurement, gather_cols = TEMP:MIN)
+ggplot(data = tbar_temps, aes(x = ymd(YEARMODA), y = value,
+ colour = Measurement)) +
+ geom_line() +
+ scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", na.value = "black") +
+ scale_y_continuous(name = "Temperature") +
+ scale_x_date(name = "Date") +
+ theme_bw()
+Because the stations provide geospatial location information, it is possible
+to create a spatial file. GeoPackage files are a
+open, standards-based, platform-independent, portable, self-describing compact
+format for transferring geospatial information, which handle vector files much
+like shapefiles do, but eliminate many of the issues that shapefiles have with
+field names and the number of files. The get_GSOD()
function can create a
+GeoPackage file, which can be used with a GIS for further analysis and mapping
+with other spatial objects.
After getting weather stations for Australia and creating a GeoPackage file, +the rgdal package can import the data into R and the raster package can download +an outline of Australia useful for plotting the station locations in this +country.
+ +get_GSOD(years = 2015, country = "Australia", dsn = "~/", filename = "AUS",
+#> trying URL 'ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/gsod/2015/gsod_2015.tar'
+#> Content type 'unknown' length 106352640 bytes (101.4 MB)
+#> ==================================================
+#> downloaded 101.4 MB
+#> Finished downloading file.
+#> Parsing the indivdual station files now.
+#> Finished parsing files. Writing files to disk now.
+Importing the GeoPackage file can be a bit tricky. The dsn will be the full path
+along with the file name. The layer to be specified is “GSOD”, this is specified
+in the get_GSOD()
function and will not change. The file name, specified in
+the dsn will, but the layer name will not.
+#> Loading required package: sp
+#> rgdal: version: 1.1-10, (SVN revision 622)
+#> Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
+#> Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 1.11.5, released 2016/07/01
+#> Path to GDAL shared files: /usr/local/Cellar/gdal/1.11.5_1/share/gdal
+#> Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.9.3, 15 August 2016, [PJ_VERSION: 493]
+#> Path to PROJ.4 shared files: (autodetected)
+#> Linking to sp version: 1.2-3
+AUS_stations <- readOGR(dsn = path.expand("~/AUS-2015.gpkg"), layer = "GSOD")
+#> OGR data source with driver: GPKG
+#> Source: "/Users/asparks/AUS-2015.gpkg", layer: "GSOD"
+#> with 165168 features
+#> It has 46 fields
+#> [1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
+#> attr(,"package")
+#> [1] "sp"
+Since GeoPackage files are formatted as SQLite databases you can use the +existing R tools for SQLite files +(J. Stachelek 2016). +One easy way is using dplyr, which we've already used to filter the stations.
+ +This option is much faster to load since it does not load the geometry.
+ +AUS_sqlite <- tbl(src_sqlite(path.expand("~/AUS-2015.gpkg")), "GSOD")
+#> [1] "tbl_sqlite" "tbl_sql" "tbl_lazy" "tbl"
+print(AUS_sqlite, n = 5)
+#> Source: query [?? x 48]
+#> Database: sqlite 3.8.6 [/Users/asparks/AUS-2015.gpkg]
+#> <int> <list> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
+#> 1 1 <raw [29]> 941030 99999 941030-99999 BROWSE ISLAND AWS AS -9999
+#> 2 2 <raw [29]> 941030 99999 941030-99999 BROWSE ISLAND AWS AS -9999
+#> 3 3 <raw [29]> 941030 99999 941030-99999 BROWSE ISLAND AWS AS -9999
+#> 4 4 <raw [29]> 941030 99999 941030-99999 BROWSE ISLAND AWS AS -9999
+#> 5 5 <raw [29]> 941030 99999 941030-99999 BROWSE ISLAND AWS AS -9999
+#> # ... with more rows, and 40 more variables: CALL <chr>, ELEV_M <dbl>,
+#> # ELEV_M_SRTM_90m <dbl>, BEGIN <dbl>, END <dbl>, YEARMODA <chr>,
+#> # YEAR <chr>, MONTH <chr>, DAY <chr>, YDAY <dbl>, TEMP <dbl>,
+#> # TEMP_CNT <int>, DEWP <dbl>, DEWP_CNT <int>, SLP <dbl>, SLP_CNT <int>,
+#> # STP <dbl>, STP_CNT <int>, VISIB <dbl>, VISIB_CNT <int>, WDSP <dbl>,
+#> # WDSP_CNT <int>, MXSPD <dbl>, GUST <dbl>, MAX <dbl>, MAX_FLAG <chr>,
+#> # MIN <dbl>, MIN_FLAG <chr>, PRCP <dbl>, PRCP_FLAG <chr>, SNDP <dbl>,
+#> # I_FOG <int>, I_RAIN_DRIZZLE <int>, I_SNOW_ICE <int>, I_HAIL <int>,
+#> # I_THUNDER <int>, I_TORNADO_FUNNEL <int>, EA <dbl>, ES <dbl>, RH <dbl>
packageThe chillR package from
+Eike Luedeling
+has a function, make_hourly_temps()
that can be used to temporally downscale
+daily weather data to hourly using the station's latitude. Here's how that's
+possible using the Toowoomba-Airport data.
To use this function it is necessary to rename the MAX, MIN, YEAR and YDAY
+columns and convert the tibble
to a standard data.frame
object so that
will recognize the columns and can operate on the
+# rename columns and convert the object to a standard data.frame
+colnames(tbar)[colnames(tbar) == "MAX"] <- "Tmax"
+colnames(tbar)[colnames(tbar) == "MIN"] <- "Tmin"
+colnames(tbar)[colnames(tbar) == "YEAR"] <- "Year"
+colnames(tbar)[colnames(tbar) == "YDAY"] <- "JDay"
+tbar <- as.data.frame(tbar)
+# generate hourly temperature values
+tbar <- make_hourly_temps(tbar[, 8], tbar)
+#> 1 955510 99999 955510-99999 TOOWOOMBA AIRPORT AS <NA> <NA> -27.55 151.917
+#> 2 955510 99999 955510-99999 TOOWOOMBA AIRPORT AS <NA> <NA> -27.55 151.917
+#> 3 955510 99999 955510-99999 TOOWOOMBA AIRPORT AS <NA> <NA> -27.55 151.917
+#> 4 955510 99999 955510-99999 TOOWOOMBA AIRPORT AS <NA> <NA> -27.55 151.917
+#> 5 955510 99999 955510-99999 TOOWOOMBA AIRPORT AS <NA> <NA> -27.55 151.917
+#> 6 955510 99999 955510-99999 TOOWOOMBA AIRPORT AS <NA> <NA> -27.55 151.917
+#> 1 642 635 19980301 20161012 20100101 2010 01 01 1 21.2
+#> 2 642 635 19980301 20161012 20100102 2010 01 02 2 23.2
+#> 3 642 635 19980301 20161012 20100103 2010 01 03 3 21.4
+#> 4 642 635 19980301 20161012 20100104 2010 01 04 4 18.9
+#> 5 642 635 19980301 20161012 20100105 2010 01 05 5 20.5
+#> 6 642 635 19980301 20161012 20100106 2010 01 06 6 21.9
+#> 1 8 17.9 8 1013.4 8 942.0 8 -9999.0 0 2.2
+#> 2 8 19.4 8 1010.5 8 939.3 8 -9999.0 0 1.9
+#> 3 8 18.9 8 1012.3 8 940.9 8 14.3 6 3.9
+#> 4 8 16.4 8 1015.7 8 944.1 8 23.3 4 4.5
+#> 5 8 16.4 8 1015.5 8 944.0 8 -9999.0 0 3.9
+#> 6 8 18.7 8 1013.7 8 942.3 8 -9999.0 0 3.2
+#> 1 8 6.7 -9999 25.78 17.78 1.5 G -9999
+#> 2 8 5.1 -9999 26.50 19.11 0.3 G -9999
+#> 3 8 10.3 -9999 28.72 19.28 * 19.8 G -9999
+#> 4 8 10.3 -9999 24.11 16.89 * 1.0 G -9999
+#> 5 8 10.8 -9999 24.61 16.72 0.3 G -9999
+#> 6 8 7.7 -9999 26.78 17.50 0.0 G -9999
+#> 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1 2.5
+#> 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.3 2.8
+#> 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.2 2.5
+#> 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 2.2
+#> 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 2.4
+#> 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.2 2.6
+#> RH Hour_1 Hour_2 Hour_3 Hour_4 Hour_5 Hour_6 Hour_7
+#> 1 84.0 19.33310 18.93008 18.58862 18.29238 18.03077 17.79654 19.07710
+#> 2 82.1 20.26111 19.96258 19.70963 19.49017 19.29635 19.12280 20.30435
+#> 3 88.0 20.65993 20.30230 19.99924 19.73627 19.50402 19.29606 20.80028
+#> 4 86.4 19.43190 18.77359 18.21567 17.73153 17.30391 16.92099 18.04830
+#> 5 79.2 18.16871 17.79381 17.47604 17.20026 16.95667 16.73853 17.98054
+#> 6 84.6 18.79480 18.46000 18.17619 17.92986 17.71226 17.51739 18.97600
+#> Hour_8 Hour_9 Hour_10 Hour_11 Hour_12 Hour_13 Hour_14 Hour_15
+#> 1 20.43922 21.71918 22.87744 23.87823 24.69062 25.28952 25.65643 25.78
+#> 2 21.56323 22.74626 23.81688 24.74198 25.49295 26.04658 26.38576 26.50
+#> 3 22.40926 23.92141 25.28995 26.47253 27.43256 28.14034 28.57395 28.72
+#> 4 19.27962 20.43694 21.48442 22.38961 23.12447 23.66627 23.99820 24.11
+#> 5 19.32699 20.59262 21.73821 22.72823 23.53201 24.12463 24.48771 24.61
+#> 6 20.56074 22.05049 23.39905 24.56455 25.51084 26.20854 26.63602 26.78
+#> Hour_16 Hour_17 Hour_18 Hour_19 Hour_20 Hour_21 Hour_22 Hour_23
+#> 1 25.65643 25.28952 24.69062 23.87823 22.87744 22.83846 21.74620 21.09297
+#> 2 26.38576 26.04658 25.49295 24.74198 23.81688 23.74516 22.43863 21.65652
+#> 3 28.57395 28.14034 27.43256 26.47253 25.28995 25.10619 22.70519 21.26643
+#> 4 23.99820 23.66627 23.12447 22.38961 21.48442 21.39624 20.03163 19.21299
+#> 5 24.48771 24.12463 23.53201 22.72823 21.73821 21.67330 20.45728 19.72692
+#> 6 26.63602 26.20854 25.51084 24.56455 23.39905 23.34622 22.11384 21.37271
+#> Hour_24
+#> 1 20.62538
+#> 2 21.09647
+#> 3 20.23575
+#> 4 18.62628
+#> 5 19.20322
+#> 6 20.84102
+90 metre (90m) hole-filled SRTM digital elevation (Jarvis et al. 2008) was +used to identify and correct/remove elevation errors in data for station +locations between -60˚ and 60˚ latitude. This applies to cases here +where elevation was missing in the reported values as well. In case the +station reported an elevation and the DEM does not, the station reported +is taken. For stations beyond -60˚ and 60˚ latitude, the values are +station reported values in every instance. See +https://github.com/adamhsparks/GSODR/blob/devel/data-raw/fetch_isd-history.md +for more detail on the correction methods.
+ +Users of these data should take into account the following (from the +NCDC website):
+ +++ +“The following data and products may have conditions placed on their +international commercial use. They can be used within the U.S. or for +non-commercial international activities without restriction. The +non-U.S. data cannot be redistributed for commercial purposes. +Re-distribution of these data by others must provide this same +notification.” WMO Resolution 40. NOAA +Policy
Stachelek, J. 2016. Using the Geopackage Format with R. +URL: https://jsta.github.io/2016/07/14/geopackage-r.html
+ + + + diff --git a/vignettes/GSODR.md b/vignettes/GSODR.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a04e5f99 --- /dev/null +++ b/vignettes/GSODR.md @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ + + +# Introduction +An R package that provides a function that automates downloading and +cleaning data from the [Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD)](https://data.noaa.gov/dataset/global-surface-summary-of-the-day-gsod) +data provided by the US National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Stations +are individually checked for number of missing days to assure data +quality, those stations with too many missing observations as defined by the +user are omitted. All units are converted to International System of Units (SI), +e.g., inches to millimetres and Fahrenheit to Celsius. Output is saved as a +Comma Separated Value (CSV) file or in a spatial GeoPackage (GPKG) file, +implemented by most major GIS software, summarising each year by station, which +also includes vapour pressure and relative humidity variables calculated from +existing data in GSOD. + +This package was largely based on Tomislav Hengl's work, +[getGSOD.R](http://spatial-analyst.net/book/getGSOD.R) +in "[A Practical Guide to Geostatistical Mapping](http://spatial-analyst.net)", +with updates for speed, cross-platform functionality, and more options for data +retrieval and error correction. + +For more information see the description of the data provided by NCDC, +