You can run the benchmark suite by doing the following:
- Install
cd asv; pip install -e .
- Run
asv dev
in this directory.
To run ASV inside docker, you can use the following command:
docker run --rm --shm-size=10G --memory=10G $DOCKER_SHA bash -c '/ray/test/jenkins_tests/'
docker run --rm --shm-size=10G --memory=10G $DOCKER_SHA bash -c '/ray/test/jenkins_tests/'
For visualizing regular Ray benchmarks, you must copy the S3 bucket down to $RAY_DIR/python.
cd $RAY_DIR/python aws s3 sync s3://$BUCKET/ASV/ .
For rllib, you must sync a _particular_ folder down to $RLLIB_DIR (ray/python/ray/rllib).
cd $RAY_DIR/python/ray/rllib aws s3 sync s3://$BUCKET/RLLIB_RESULTS/ ./RLLIB_RESULTS
Then, in the directory, you can run:
asv publish --no-pull asv preview
This creates the directory and then launches a server at which you can visualize results.