diff --git a/typer.ml b/typer.ml index f7a36f3a924..9389b1e00a0 100644 --- a/typer.ml +++ b/typer.ml @@ -90,8 +90,6 @@ let object_field f = let pflen = String.length pf in if String.length f >= pflen && String.sub f 0 pflen = pf then String.sub f pflen (String.length f - pflen), false else f, true -let type_field_rec = ref (fun _ _ _ _ _ -> assert false) - let rec is_pos_infos = function | TMono r -> (match !r with @@ -438,7 +436,6 @@ let make_call ctx e params t p = | _ when has_meta ":extern" f.cf_meta -> true | _ -> false ) in - (* we have to make sure that we mark the field as used here so DCE does not remove it *) if not ctx.g.doinline && not is_extern then raise Exit; ignore(follow f.cf_type); (* force evaluation *) let params = List.map (ctx.g.do_optimize ctx) params in @@ -2584,11 +2581,6 @@ let make_macro_api ctx p = | TEnumDecl e -> TEnum (e,List.map snd e.e_types) | TTypeDecl t -> TType (t,List.map snd t.t_types) in -(* let add_types () = - finalize ctx; - let l = Hashtbl.fold (fun v m l -> l @ m.m_types) ctx.g.modules ctx.com.types in - Interp.add_types (Interp.get_ctx()) l; - in *) { Interp.pos = p; Interp.get_com = (fun() -> ctx.com); @@ -3070,6 +3062,5 @@ let rec create com = ctx ;; -type_field_rec := type_field; unify_min_ref := unify_min; type_expr_with_type_ref := (fun ctx e t do_raise -> if do_raise then type_expr_with_type_raise ~print_error:false ctx e t else type_expr_with_type ctx e t);